Page:First Voyage Round the World.djvu/151

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that there were no other men in the world besides them.

Saturday, the 16th of March, 1521, we arrived at daybreak in sight of a high island, three hundred leagues distant from the before-mentioned Thieves' island. This isle is named Zamal.[1] The next day the captain-general wished to land at another uninhabited island near the first,[2] to be in greater security and to take water, also to repose there a few days. He set up there two tents on shore for the sick, and had a sow[3] killed for them.

Monday, the 18th of March, after dinner, we saw a boat come towards us with nine men in it: upon which the captain-general ordered that no one should move or speak without his permission.[4] When these people had come into this island towards us, immediately the principal[5] one amongst them went towards the captain-general with demonstrations of being very joyous at our arrival. Five of the most showy[6] of them remained with us, the others who remained with the boat went to call some men who were fishing, and afterwards all of them came together.[7] The captain seeing that these people were reasonable,[8] ordered food and drink to be given them, and he gave them some red caps, looking glasses, combs, bells, ivory, and other things. When these people saw the politeness of the captain, they presented some fish, and a vessel of palm wine, which

  1. Now called Samar, in the Philippine group.
  2. Instead of these words the Milan edition has: "Which later we learned was named Humunù." Amoretti says this island is situated near Cape Guigan of the Island of Samar.
  3. Amoretti presumes this sow was brought from the Ladrones. Desbrosses, t. ii, p. 55.
  4. "Congé."
  5. "Apparant." Milan edition, "principale".
  6. "Apparant." Milan edition, "ornati".
  7. The Milan edition adds here: "We learned that the island which they came from was named Zuluan, and it is a small island."
  8. Milan: "Sociable."