Page:First Voyage Round the World.djvu/304

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And in this neighbourhood we found an islet with trees on it. It is uninhabited; and we took soundings at it, and found no bottom, and so we went on our course. We called this islet San Pablo, having discovered it on the day of his conversion, and it is……[1] leagues from that of Tiburones.

On the 25th of said month, to N.W. ¼ W., in 15¾°
" 26th " to N.W. ¼ W., in 15⅓
" 27th " to N.W. ¼ W., in 15
" 28th " to W.N.W., in 14½
" 29th " to W.N.W., in 13¾
" 30th " to W. ¼ N.W., in 13½
" 31st " to W. ¼ N.W., in 13⅓
On the 1st " to N.W., in 13
" 2nd " to N.W., in 12½
" 3rd " to N.W., in 11¾
" 4th " to N.W., in 11¾

In this latitude we found an uninhabited island, where we caught many sharks, and therefore we gave it the name of Isle of Tiburones, and it is with the Strait N.W. and S.E. ¼ E. and W., and it is in 10⅔° S. latitude, and is distant … leagues from the Ladrone Islands.

On the 5th Feb., to N.W., in 10°
" 6th " to N.W., in 0
" 7th " to N.W., in 08⅔
" 8th " to N.W., in 07⅔
" 9th " to N.W. ¼ W., in 0
" 10th " to N.W., in 05
" 11th " to N.W., in 0
" 12th " to N.W., in 01
" 13th " to N.W., in 0– 30′ N. of the line.
" 14th " to N.W., in 01 N. latitude.
" 15th " to N.W., in 0
  1. The MS. of the British Museum has "9", which must be an error.