Page:First Voyage Round the World.djvu/80

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They sailed from this Rio de Janeiro on the 26th December, and navigated along the coast to make the Cape of St. Mary, which is in thirty-four degrees and two-thirds; as soon as they sighted it, they made their course west-north-west, thinking they would find a passage for their voyage, and they found that they had got into a great river of fresh water, to which they gave the name of river of St. Christopher, and it is in thirty-four degrees, and they remained in it till the 2nd of February, 1520.[1]

He sailed from this river of St. Christopher on the 2nd of the said month of February; they navigated along the said coast, and further on to the south they discovered a point which is in the same river more to the south, to which they gave the name of Point St. Antony; it is in thirty-six degrees, hence they ran to the south-west, a matter of twenty-five leagues, and made another cape which they named Cape St. Apelonia, which is in thirty-six degrees; thence they navigated to the west-south-west to some shoals,[2] which they named Shoals of the Currents, which are in thirty-nine degrees; and thence they navigated out to sea, and lost sight of land for a matter of two or three days, when they again made for the land, and they came to a bay, which they entered, and ran within it the whole day, thinking that there was an outlet for Maluco, and when night came they found that it was quite closed up, and in the same night they again stood out by the way which they had come in. This bay is in thirty-four degrees;[3] they name it the island[4] of St. Matthew. They navigated from this island of St.

  1. Pigafetta mentions this river, which is the Plata, in 34 deg. 20 min Lisbon Ac. note.
  2. Paris MS. "And they found themselves amongst some shoals." Lison Ac. note. The Madrid MS. is the same.
  3. Paris MS. "is in 24 degrees," which seems clearly an error of the copyists. Lisbon Ac. note. The Madrid MS. is in this case similar to the Paris MS.
  4. Paris MS. "the bay." Lisbon Ac. note. Madrid MS. "the bay."