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flowers. Are the brightest colors on upper or under side of wings of butterfly? Why? (Think of the colors in a flower.) Why is it better for moths to hold their wings flat out when at rest? Where are moths during the day? How can you test whether the color of the wings is given by the scales?

State how moths and butterflies differ in respect to: body, wings, feelers, habits; abundance of scales.

Insects and Flowers.—We are indebted to insects for the bright colors and sweet honey of flowers. Flowers need insects to carry their pollen to other flowers, as cross-fertilization produces the best seeds. The insects need the nectar of the flowers for food, and the bright colors and sweet odors are the advertisements of the flowers to attract insects. There were no flowers in the world before flying insects were developed. Moths, butterflies, and bees carry most pollen (see Plant Biology, Chap. VI).

Comparative Study.—Make a table like this, occupying entire page of notebook, leaving no margins, and fill in accurately:—

                  | Grasshopper | Butterfly | Fly | Dragon | Beetle | Bee
                  | | | pp. 92, 93 | Fly, p. 93 |pp. 90, 91 | pp. 88, 89
Number and kind | | | | | |
  of wings | | | | | |
Description of | | | | | |
  legs | | | | | |
                  | | | | | |
Antennæ (length, | | | | | |
  shape, joints) | | | | | |
Biting or sucking | | | | | |
  mouth parts | | | | | |
Complete or | | | | | |
  incomplete | | | | | |
  metamorphosis | | | | | |
