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Fig. 149.

Fig. 150.

Fig. 151.

Fig. 152.

Fig. 153.

Fig. 154.

Fig. 155.

Fig. 156.

Fig. 157.

Fig. 158.—Anatomy of bee.

Figs. 149-161. Illustrated Study of Bees and their Kindred.—Head of worker (Fig. 149): o, upper lip; ok, chewing jaws; uk, grasping jaws; kt, jaw finger: lt, lip finger; z, tongue.

How do heads of drone (150) and queen (151) differ as to mouth, size of the two compound eyes, size and position of the three simple eyes? Is the head of a worker more like head of drone or head of queen? Judging by the head, which is the queen, drone, and worker in Figs. 154-156? Which of the three is largest? Smallest? Broadest?

Figure 152 shows hind leg of worker. What surrounds the hollow, us, which serves as pollen basket? The point, fh, is a tool for removing wax which is secreted (c, Fig. 157) between rings on abdomen. In Fig. 158, find relative positions of heart, v, food tube, and nerve chain. Is crop, J, in thorax or abdomen? In this nectar is changed to honey, that it may not spoil. Compare nerve chain in Fig. 132.