Page:First course in biology (IA firstcourseinbio00bailrich).pdf/431

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A1 Imperfect Mammals, young hatched or prematurely born
B1 Jaws a birdlike beak, egg-laying Mon'otremes
B2 Jaws not beaklike, young carried in pouch Marsu'pials
A2 Perfect Mammals, young not hatched, nor prematurely born
B1 Digits with claws
C1 Front part of both jaws lack teeth Eden'tates
C2 Teeth with sharp points for piercing shells of insects Insect'ivors
C3 Canines very long, molars suited for tearing Car'nivors
C4 Canines lacking, incisors very large Rodents
B2 Digits not distinct
C1 Head large; carnivorous Ceta'ceans
C2 Head small; herbivorous Sire'neans
B3 Digits with nails or hoofs
C1 Five toes, nose prolonged into a snout Proboscid'eans
C2 Toes odd number, less than five E'quines
C3 Toes even number, upper front teeth lacking, chew the cud Ru'minants
C4 Toes even number, upper front teeth present, not cud-chewers Swine
C5 All limbs having hands Quad'rumans
C6 Two limbs having hands Bi'mans

Exercise in Classification.—Copy the following list, and by reference to figures write the name of its order after each mammal:—

Ape (Figs. 405, 406)
Rabbit (Fig. 345)
Dog (Figs. 356, 408)
Hog (Figs. 357, 393)
Bat (Figs. 347, 370)
Cat (Figs. 337, 348)
Armadillo (Figs. 349, 365)
Cow (Figs. 344, 386)
Walrus (Fig. 340)
Monkey (Figs. 352, 401)
Horse (Figs. 355, 395)
Ant-eater (Figs. 354, 364)
Antelope (Fig. 391)
Mole (Figs. 367, 368)
Beaver (Figs. 372, 373)
Duckbill (Fig. 359)
Tapir (Fig. 384)
Dolphin (379, 397)

Use chart of skulls and Figs. 381, 382, 395-400 in working out this exercise.