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cleared area. Here and there bushes gain a foothold. Young trees come up; in time these shade the bushes and gain the mastery. Sometimes the area grows to poplars or birches, and people wonder why the original forest trees do not return; but these forest trees may be growing unobserved here and there in the tangle, and in the slow processes of time the poplars perish—for they are short-lived—and the original forest may be replaced. Whether one kind of forest or another returns will depend partly on the kinds that are most seedful in that vicinity and which, therefore, have sown themselves most profusely. Much depends, also, on the kind of undergrowth that first springs up, for some young trees can endure more or less shade than others.

Fig. 10.—Overgrowth and Undergrowth in Three Series,—trees, bushes, grass.

Some plants associate. They grow together. This is possible largely because they diverge or differ in character. Plants associate in two ways: by growing side by side; by growing above or beneath. In sparsely populated societies, plants may grow alongside each other. In most cases, however, there is overgrowth and undergrowth: one kind grows beneath another. Plants that have become adapted to shade are usually undergrowths. In a cat-*tail swamp, grasses and other narrow-leaved plants grow in the bottom, but they are usually unseen by the casual