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Thought Questions. Cooking.Meat. 1. In making soup, why should the meat be put in while the water is cold? 2. In roasting meat, why should the oven be hot at first, and more moderate afterward? How should you regulate the temperature in boiling or stewing meat? 3. What happens to salt or anything salty on a cloudy, damp day? This is because the salt attracts ——. This shows that meat should not be salted until after it has been cooked, because if salted before ——. 4. Very tough meat should be b—ed or st—ed. 5. Meat may be prevented from becoming grease-soaked when frying by having the grease very ——, use very ——, simply greasing the ——.

6. Bread. Bread crust causes the —— to be used more and cleans them. It will not —— together in the stomach like the crumb. It increases the quantity of the ——, and is more digestible than the crumb, since the —— has been changed by slow heat to —— (p. 112). Therefore loaves or biscuit should be (large or small?) and they should (touch or be separated?) in a pan. 7. How can you tell whether the oven has been too hot while the bread was baking? 8. Why can you tell best about the digestibility of bread when you are slicing it? 9. Regulating the heat is the greatest art of the cook. How may the temperature of the oven be lowered by means of the damper? The draft? The fuel?

Exercises in Writing.—Story of a Savage who went to dwell in a City (his trouble with artificial ways). Is it easier to learn Physiology or to practice it? How to make Bread. Describe People seen in an Audience (tell what their appearance suggests). A Scene at a Dinner Table. Thoughts of a Physician on his Round of Visits. A Good Cook. A Bad Cook. Is Cooking a Greater Accomplishment than Piano Playing? Common Causes of Illness. The Influence of Imperfect Digestion upon the Other Organs. Effect of Lack of Muscular Activity. The Way of the Transgressor is Hard. What Fools we Mortals be! Health Fads. Temperance in all Things. The Right Way the Easiest. Looking Back. Looking Forward. Hygiene of the Schoolroom. Patent Medicines. Microbes. Mind Cure. Nervous Women. Dissipated Men. How a Friend of mine lost his Health. Why a Friend of mine is Sound and Strong. Tobacco. It never pays to neglect the Health. Which does more Harm, an Ignorant Cook or an Ignorant Janitor? A Visit to a Sick Room. Alcohol and Crime. Natural Instincts and Appetites; how preserved, how lost. A Lesson about Alcohol based upon the Morning News. Effects of Alcohol upon the Greatness of our Country (workmen, voters, soldiers, children). Adam's Apothecary Shop. Adam's Ale (water).