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of weakness. The first dose of morphine or cocaine may be the first step in a lifelong blight of strength and happiness. If physicians whose treatment of a case results in leaving a patient with a drug or alcohol habit were sued for malpractice, they would be less reckless. The annual consumption of morphine is estimated at twenty-seven grains per capita in China, and fifty grains in the United States.

Reaction.This is the depressed and exhausted condition that comes on after a period of unnatural activity. It follows the exciting effects of a stimulant. Natural Stimulants.—If there were nothing to arouse activity, life would be impossible. A cold wind is a natural stimulant. The activity aroused by a cold wind is just enough to help the body withstand the cold; artificial stimulants cause an expenditure having no relation to the needs of the body. Hence there is a great waste of energy. Feelings may stimulate, as love for his family may stimulate a man to labor. The desire for knowledge may stimulate a boy to study. Hunger may stimulate a man to eat. Hunger is a natural stimulant, and is not likely to make him eat to excess; tea, coffee, pepper, etc., arouse a false appetite. These things are used chiefly for their stimulant effect, for they contain little or no nourishment. We will now study about artificial stimulants. Such stimulants always cause an unregulated and unhealthy action, and are always followed by reaction.

How much Strength is stored in the Body?—Dr. Tanner of Minnesota believed that most people eat too much. Another physician said that no human being could go forty days without food. Dr. Tanner made the experiment. He lost thirty-six pounds in weight, but he weighed 121-1/2 pounds and had considerable strength at the end of the