Page:First six books of the elements of Euclid 1847 Byrne.djvu/17

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arts and sciences can be taught to the blind, this visible system is no less adapted to the exigencies of the deaf and dumb.

Care must be taken to show that colour has nothing to do with the lines, angles, or magnitudes, except merely to name them. A mathematical line, which is length without breadth, cannot possess colour, yet the junction of two colours on the same plane gives a good idea of what is meant by a mathematical line; recollect we are speaking familiarly, such a junction is to be understood and not the colour, when we say the black line, the red line or lines, &c.

Colours and coloured diagrams may at first appear a clumsy method to convey proper notions of the properties and parts of mathematical figures and magnitudes, however they will be found to afford a means more refined and extensive than any that has been hitherto proposed.

We shall here define a point, a line, and a surface, and demonstrate a proposition in order to show the truth of this assertion.

A point is that which has position, but not magnitude; or a point is position only, abstracted from the consideration of length, breadth, and thickness. Perhaps the following description is better calculated to explain the nature of a mathematical point to those who have not acquired the idea, than the above specious definition.

Let three colours meet and cover a portion of the paper, where they meet is not blue, nor is it yellow, nor is it red, as it occupies no portion of the plane, for if it did, it would belong to the blue, the red, or the yellow part; yet it exists, and has position without magnitude, so that with a little reflection, this junc-