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My Patie is a lover gay,
His mind is never muddy;
His breath is sweeter than new hay,
His face is fair and ruddy:
His shape is handsome, middle size,
He’s comely in his wauking;
The shining o’ his een surprise;
It’s heaven to hear him tauking.

Yestreen I met him on a bawk,
Where yellow corn was growing,
Where mony a kindly word he spak,
That set my heart a-glowing.
He kiss’d and vow’d he wad bo mine,
And lo’ed me best o’ ony;
That gars me like to sing sinsyne,
O corn riggs are bonny.

Let lasses o’ a silly mind
Refuse what maist they’re wanting,
Since we for yielding were design’d,
We chastely should be granting.
Then I’ll comply and marry Pate:
And syne my cockernony
He’s free to touzle ear’ or late
While corn riggs are bonny.