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Yestreen he pass'd at trystin' time;
Then out to him I flew;
He tauld me that his heart was mine;
And I'm sure 'tis true.
Sae I'll be true to ilka vow,
Let mither flyte or fliug:
In Johnie's ha' ere Beltan blaw,
I'll wear the bridal ring.


Oh! the boys of Kilkenny are brave roaring
And if ever they meet with the nice little maids,
They’ll kiss them, and coax them, and spend
their money free,
And of all towns in Ireland Kilkenny for me,
And of all towns, &c.

In the town of Kilkenny there runs a clear
In the town of Kilkenny there lives a fair
Hercheeks are like roses, her lips much the
Like a dish of fresh strawberries smother’d in
Fal de ral, de ral, de ral, lal, ra, la, la, la