Page:Flora Australiensis Volume 5.djvu/175

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Chenopodium.] XCVI. CHENOPODIACEAE. 163

broadly oblong, concave and almost boat-shaped, with a thickened broad obtuse keel, more or less pubescent or hirsute. Stamen usually 1. Fruit small, ovoid, erect, the pericarp inseparable from the seed. — Salsola carinata, Spreng. Syst. i. 923; Ambrina carinata, Moq. Chenop. Enum. 41; Blitum carinatum and B. glandulosum, Moq. in DC. Prod. xiii. ii. 81, 82; Chenopodium glandulosum, F. Muell. Fragm. vii. 11.
Queensland. Moreton Bay, W. Hill, F. Mueller, and others ; Peak Downs, F. Mueller; Rockhampton, O'Shaunesy; Armadilla, Barton.
N. S. Wales. Port Jackson,' R. Brown, J.D. Hooker; Bengalla, Leichhardt; Clarence river, Beckler; Murray and Darling rivers, Victorian and other Expeditions.
Victoria. Yarra-Yarra, F. Mueller; Skipton and Creswick, Whan; Lockwood, Bissil.
S. Australia. Bethanie, Behr. ; Mount Barker, Lofty Ranges, Lake Torrens, F. Mueller.
W. Australia, Drummond, n. 165, 715.
The species is also in New Zealand and New Caledonia. In most of Drummond's specimens and in some others, the fruiting perianth has a tendency to dry black and become rather thick, showing an approach to the European typical Blita.

10. C. pumilio, R, Br. Prod. 407, A branching decumbent filiform annual of about 1 in,, more or less hoary with crisped or gladular hairs. Leaves on slender petioles, ovate or oblong, entire, 1 to 2 lines long. Flowers minute, axillary, solitary or 2 or 3 together on very short pedicels, Periantli-segments 4 or 5, linear, erect, concave, slightly incurved, nearly ½ line long when in fruit, hirsute with a few crisped hairs, — Blitum pumilio, Moq, in DC. Prod, xiii, ii, 82; Ambrina pumilio, Moq, Chenop, Enum. 42.
S. Australia. Kangaroo island, R. Brown. Possibly a diminutive form of C. carinatum.
11. C. cristatum, F. Muell. Fragm. vii. 11. Diffuse or procumbent, with ascending flowering branches of 1 ft. or more, the whole plant slightly glandular-pubescent. Leaves on long petioles, from ovate to oblong-lanceolate, obtuse, coarsely toothed, narrowed at the base, ½ to 1 in. long, green and glandular-scabrous on both sides. Flowers in dense globular clusters, all axillary. Perianth-segments linear, erect, not incurved, acute, about 1 line long when in fruit, the keel dilated into a broad fringed crest or wing. Fruit ovoid, erect, enclosed in the perianth. Styles very slender.—Blitum cristatum, F. Muell. in Trans. Phil. Inst. Vict. ii. 73.
N. S. Wales. Darling river, Victorian Expedition.
Victoria. Murray river, F. Mueller.
S. Australia. Flinders Range, F. Mueller.
12. C. atriplicinum, F. Muell. Fragm. vii. 11. Apparently perennial, branching at the base only, with numerous ascending "^or erect stems under 1 ft. and often under 6 in,, flowering from near the base, of a pale green and slightly glandular-pubescent, Lower leaves on long slender petioles, from lanceolate to broadly hastate, otherwise entire, rather thick, ¾ to 1 in, long, the upper ones smaller lanceolate and entire, but all petiolate. Flowers in dense sessile axillary clusters
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