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﹡ ♃ Asplenium Trichomanes. L.
Similar localities.
Temperate regions of the Northern and Southern hemisphere.

﹡ ♃ Ceterach officinarum. W.
Rocks and walls in the garden and wood, especially on olive terraces.
Throughout the mediterranean region, to Central and Western Europe, Ireland, England and Scotland.
This peculiar fern likes rather dry localities. In summer the leaves are rolled up, so that the scaly underside can only be seen.

﹡ ♃ Pteris aquilina. L.
Very common in the woods of the valley. Almost all over the globe, except the extreme North and South.


﹡ ♃ Equisetum arvense. L.
Moist places, cultivated land etc.
Europe, N. Asia, N. America.

﹡ ♃ Equisetum ramosissimum. Desf.
Dry places in the valley.
From the mediterranean region to Central and South Europe.