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thing we could for him. I used to go to the sanitarium to try to help him."

"Oh," I said. "That's where it began between him and you."

"That's where it began. He liked me; he begged me again and again to come. He seemed to depend on me; so I came very often. It seemed to help him. It seemed even to cure him."

"He was cured, you thought?"

"Yes; he was cured—we thought. The sanitarium people said so. They dismissed him. Then he wanted to marry me."


"When I couldn't, he thought it was because I didn't believe he was cured. He said he'd give me time and prove himself; he went away. I got letters and cards from him anywhere and everywhere for two years. Then this spring he came and called for father and me and brought us—here. He seemed sane. He said he had these people here perfecting a special sort of plane to give to the government. Hie'd made money, he said; and now was perfecting the airplane. . . Only a couple of