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and secured me; someone else buckled the ordinary straps over my shoulders.

I yelled across the water to warn Pete, in case they were trying the same trick with him and a shout of his echoed to me. They had trussed us both; and though a pilot remained with me, I knew it was only to take me into the air.

When he had me high over the lake, he leaped and I was alone again, flying with my, hands clamped to a wheel which was only a dummy. It connected with no controls; the actual control was by radio.

I was swung to right, to left, lifted a little and jerked left again. This did not feel like the "dancing" of yesterday. Other airplanes flew in front and behind me and on both sides. I was aware that I was manœuvered to put me in alignment in some formation.

A plane passed me close; but I thought it was unintentional. It blundered by so stupidly that I was sure that it also was run by radio. I saw a head and shoulders before the stars. It might have been another man, trussed like me; it might have been a wood and wax effigy.