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He—Kinvarra, who had held me in his hand a half minute ago—was after me. He followed, firing, trying now to shoot me down; but I expected it and dodged him.

I cut to the right, confusing him by flying through the fleet which did not know that I was free.

The biplane from beside the ship was rising from the water with big bulges below its wings. These were not bombs nor bomb-shaped; they were cubes—steel boxes, undoubtedly, which had been carried in collapsed form and now were expanded to contain the cargo of loot. Jewels, they bore away and the platinum and a ton or two of the treasure of gold. But tons of bullion—actually tons by dead weight—remained aboard the Wotan; and a second biplane descended for its share.

It was the one which had laid the third frightful egg of TNT which, bursting, had