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violence; heart-failure, apparently. They described him.

"Her father," I said; and they left it to me when to tell her.

Cawder, in Chicago, had escaped; his offices were cleared; no one was caught there; and from offices discovered to have been corresponding with him from Detroit, Cleveland, New Orleans, San Francisco and a half dozen other cities, everyone was fled. A radio warning early must have reached them.

The extent of their organization was stupendous.

I told Helen of her father, soon after I rejoined her; for she asked and asked of him. "Do you suppose he's heard of the ship? He'll not want to live."

"He never heard, I think," said I; and my news was small shock to her. "I hope it happened when they went away," said she. "He was to blame—he and I!"

At this, I caught her in my arms and pleaded with her. "Never say that again! You did nothing throughout it all, nothing but good. Even if you take upon yourself responsibility