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lead you with as little loss of time as possible into the state of sanity which I have attained. I appreciate the difficulties under which you labor; for even yet, after my mother was killed, I clung to some of the rags of the delusions about conduct to which people pretend.

"The re-election of that governor cured me. For, in face of the facts published before all the people, they re-elected him by a tremendous and triumphant majority.

"That night, I stood in the street, seeing figures of his popular vote flashed on the screen from a newspaper office and hearing the people cheer and cheer, as they had cheered when the murderers of my father were acquitted. I remember feeling that at last all rubbish about abiding by the law was cleared from my brain; I turned against those cheering people about me; I struck at them and tried to stop them. Having only my hands, then, they overcame me; and I let them think I was quieted. Crazy, someone called me. The fact was, on that night I became completely sane."

Bane lified his head with the sinews in his