Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 1, 1890.djvu/134

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Notes and News.

Mr. Gomme is engaged upon a re-classification of English Custom and Superstition, and hopes to be able to publish the results of his work at the end of the year. His object is to bring together the evidence for the Archaic in Folk-lore, under which title his work will probably be published.

Mr. E. Sidney Hartland has in hand, for the Contemporary Scientific Series, a volume on the Science of Folk-tales, and for the Camelot Series a book of English Folk-tales.

Mr. Joseph Jacobs is collecting English fairy tales. A popular selection of these, with illustrations, will probably be issued during the Christmas season of this year, to be followed later on by a more scientific treatment of the subject, which may run to two volumes.

Readers of Professor Haddon’s Torres Straits legends in this number will also be interested in his very thorough and complete account of the manners and customs of the inhabitants of New Guinea in the February number of the Journal of the Anthropological Institute.

Benfey’s scattered papers on the Migration of Fables will be included, in a collected form, in the complete edition of his minor writings now being edited by Professor Bezzenberger.

The December and January numbers of Le Moyen Age contain admirable summaries of Folk-lore literature in periodicals (chiefly of 1888 and early part of 1889), including those written in Slavonic dialects.

The Council and Officers of the Society supped together after the meeting on February 25th. Much talk has been made about a Folk-lore dinner, and this pleasant little