Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 10, 1899.djvu/188

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i6o Folklore fro^n the Southern Sporades.

Let him who is bound arise without speaking (neither he nor his wife), to open the door. Let the man who has been with his wife take off his clothes, and taking them all off, let them put on each the clothes of the other; let the bespelled man put on the other man's clothes inside out, and without shutting the door let him go to his wife, not speaking ; and without the wife of the first man speaking, the man who would come to knock at the other man's door; and let him go and knock at the door, and without looking behind him : when the bespelled man has put on the other man's clothes, and when he has been with his wife, let him say, ' Now set free, O Lord, thy servants Eustathios and Maria.' " ^

(4) " To loose a married pair easily: Find in the month of May two snakes which are casting skins. Kill them and take their heads, and let the man have them on him when he goes to his wife. The spell will be loosed, even if it have been shot out of a gun or cast into the sea."^ Curses

1 ra \ieaavvKTa vh. fipedfj eras avdptoTros ottov va fir/v elre be/jiei'os /xe Ti)v yvralKa rov St^ws va fxi\r](rri' Kul ^e ra 'ibia poii-)^a ottov (pope'i vti (TTjKwdrj va Trayjj 'aro (Tiriri rov befievov, va KrvTrrjar} bi')(^u)S va fJLiXrirrrj ' Kai 6 btfxevos blx<>>s va fxikrjari fJLrjbe fi [yuj/alj/ca firjbe 6 avbpas va ariKivdrj va r avoihy o iivbpas cKelvos ottov tfiped^ yue rijv yvvalKa rov va fjyaXr] [ra] pov')(^a rov ' Kal (iyat,ovTas ra oXa va j3uXr) 6 'ivas rov evovs Kal 6 ciXXos rov aXXovov' va ra (iciXr) dlaj'a- OTpe0a 6 bejxevos tov aXXoi'OV Kai bi-^^iDS vd KXeLari vd f^peOrj ^e n)v yvvalKa rov ^tj^ws va /diXriffrj' /cat bi^ios va yuiXiyo-jj /cat ?/ yvvalica rov


St)^ws va (Trpafrj bia va e'ibt] Triffio rov, va [Traj/jva rov KrvTrrjcxr] rt) TTopra' Kal va Xeyr) /cat u be/J.evo';, adv fldXy rov dXXovov ra povj(a Kal irav vd j3pedrj yue rr)v yvva'iKu rov, ^vv v aTToXvijs rovs bovXovs (TOV becTTora Evrrrddiov Kal Mapiav. [Fol. 2, 3.]

" Ota vd Xvcrrjs dvbpoyvvo tv evKoXia vd evpfjs rb fiuiov j^rjva bvo ^ibia OTTOV V dXXdi^iovrai Kal vd rd aKorcoarjS. vd n-dprjs rd Ke(j)dXia rovs Kal as ra ftaarg. aTTavw rov vd Trayj; fxe ttjv yvvaiKa rov' Kal de Xvat] 7/ fiayia, av etve /cat etce rovcpeKi rj 'or/; ddXaatra pififievo. [Foi. 21.]