Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 11, 1900.djvu/450

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430 Correspondence.

Th. Volkov. The science of the unlettered classes in general and in particular in Ukrain.

O. DE GouRCUFF. Popular tradition in the ancient French drama.

As a rule, at the conclusion of each paper a few remarks were made by M. Marillier, M. Sebillot, or some other authority. Whether these will be printed or not I do not know, as there was no stenographer present to take down their observations and criticisms. It is to be hoped, however, that in some shape or other these will be placed on permanent record. Some of the communications found no favour whatever, as their authors were certainly not up to date in their knowledge of the subject, and advanced old-fashioned a priori speculations that have been entirely superseded by more recent research and criticism.

When all the papers had been read and before the separation of the Congress various motions were proposed and carried. The most important one was that an International Congress of Folk- lore should be held, if possible, every four years, and that the next should take place four years hence at Geneva in connection with and as a supplement to the Congress for Comparative Religions. After this the subject of a general bibliography of folklore i^Tra- ditioijs populaires) was discussed, and it was agreed by the French folklorists present that a plan drawn up by M. Sebillot for cata- loguing French folklore should be adopted. For the benefit of English folklorists I append it untranslated below.

John Abercromby.


A. — Generalites.


Bibliographies — Questionnaires.

Bibliographies generales : (ex. : Gaidoz et Sebillot. Bibl. des Frances d'outremer).

Questionnaires : {Sebillot: Instructions et questionnaires. Gomme : Handbook of Folk-lore).