Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 11, 1900.djvu/550

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Bradley (Miss Kdith ). Loudon imder the niouaslic ca-ders. Brit.

Avch. A><i<or. Join-. N.8. iv. JJ-Ki. Bramble (Lt.-Col. J. E.). Two effigies at Maugotslield, Gloucester- shire. Clifton Antiq. Club, iv. 154-157. Breach (AV. PowellX Steyuing marriages, etc., during the Couimou-

wealth, 1053-1058. Sussex Arch. Soc. xlii. 111-110. Bridge (Dr, Joseph C). Notes ou the Crwth and Pibcoru.

Chester and X. Wales Are/u't., Arch, and Hist. Soe. vi. 141-144. Brooks (E. W.). The Arabs iu Asia Minor (041-750), from Arabic

sources, Joui: Hell. SfmUes, xviii. 182-208. Brown (James Roberts). Richard Lovelace and Bethersdeu. Arch.

Cant, xxiii. 337-338. Brown (T. Forster). Notes on ancient mining tools found iu the

Forest of Dean. Uristol and (Jlouc. Arch. Soc. xx. 155-100. Brown (William). Lease of property in Corbridge, dated 1517.

Arch. yEliana, xx. 283-288. Browne (Dr. Charles R.\ The ethnography of Clare island and

Inishturk, co. Mayo. J*oy. IrisJi Acad. 3rd S. v. 40-72. Browning (Arthur Giraud). On the origin and early history of

the French pvotestaut hospital (La Providence). Huguenot Soc.

vi. 39-80. Brownlow (Rt. Rev. Bishop AVilliam\ The ancient basilica cf

San Clemente, Rome. C/iftnn Antiq. Cluh, iv. 1.30-153. The division of the bishopricks of AVessex. Soni. Arch.

and Ned. Hist. Soc. xliv. 149-159. Brushfield (T. N.). Raleghana. Devon Assoc, xxx. 158-197. Buckley (Michael J. C). The Bambino of New Ross. Foy. Soc

Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. viii. 250-253. BuiCK (Rev, George R.\ The recent disco^•ery of Ogams in the

County of Antrim. Hoy. Soc. Aidiq. Ireland, 5th S. viii.

392-395. Burrows (Capt. Guv). On the natives of the Upper A\'elle district

of the Belgian Congo. Anthrop. Jour. N.S. i. 35-47. Burrows (Ronald M.i. Pylos and Sphacteria. Jour. Hell. Studies,

xviii. 147-159, 345-350. Burton (Rev, J. R.) Early Worcestershire printers and books.

Assoc. Archit. Sacs. xxiv. 197-213. Burton (Rev. R. J.), Notes ou some rectors and vicars of Heauor,

CO. Derby. Derby Arch, and Xat. Hist. Soc. xx. 12-31. Bury (J. B.). The double city of Megalopolis. Jour. Hell. Studies,

xviii. 15-22.