likua ; Killalpanina ; Kuyana ; Larrakia tribe; Macumba; Marunga tribe ; Mount Freeling ; Narimaia creek ; Ngarabana tribe ; Ngatani- Maru-ISIaru ; Ngatani Maralye ; Pandi ; Pitchei ; Port Darwin ; Tangara tribe ; Tyindi-tyindinani ; Urabunna tribe; Utyia ; Wiluma ; Wonkamala tribe ; Wonkanguru tribe ; Yaurorka tribe ; and Yorke's Peninsula South Uist : {see also Ben JNIohr ; fl;z(/Tochar): folklore from, 29-62 Sowing customs and beliefs : feasts, Jakuns (Malay Penin.), 159-63 ; hempseed sown in churchyard, Midsummer Eve, Kennet Valley, 422 ; missing a "land" a sign of death, Kennet Valley, 423 Spain : {see also Castile) ; the Ish- maelites in, in variant of Letter of Toledo, 128; " noche buena " kept on Christmas Eve, 45 ; yew boughs against lightning, 32 Spider : as omen, Hebrides, 50 Spirits, Australian belief in, 19, 20 Spiritualism, Malay, 115, 134-65 Spitting : for luck, Shropshire, 430 ;
saliva in medicine, Hebrews, 218 Spoon : dancing, Malays, 142-3, 164 ;
defence against evil, Malays, 164 Spottiswoode : harvest customs, 178 Sprains, poultice for, Shropshire, 74 Spring : {see also under months) ;
' lifting' rites, 251 Springs : caused by Balochi saint, 260-1 ; hot, legend to explain, Arabs, 285; "long ju-ju," Niger delta, 166-70 {plate) Staffordshire : {see also Eccleshall ; Lichfield ; and Stone) ; Bladen's Notes on the Folklore of North Staffordshire, Chiefly Collected at Stone, reviewed, 106-7 Stag : village sobriquet, 389 Stanley, A. C, The Sister's Son in
Samoa, 75-6 Stanton Drew : stones called " The
Weddings," 295 Stanton Harcourt : legends of Devil's
Quoits, 293-5 Stanton St. John : witchcraft at, 291 Stars : counter struck dead, Kennet Valley, 419 ; home of creator among, Gippsland tribes, 20, Lar- rakia tribes, 18 ; influence of, see Astrology ; named after dead,
Gippsland tribes, 20 ; polar-star worship, 441
Starting on journey, see Journey
Steeple Barton : " Hoar stone " could not be moved, 295
Stepping over things, 236-7
Sting-ray in Palm-blossom Dance, Malays, 138
Stirlingshire, see Loch Lomond
Stone : marriage on lease, 446; Bladen's Notes on the Folklore of North Staffordshire, Chiefly Col- lected at Stone, reviewed, 106-7
Stone-chat : bad omen, Hebrides, 49, 52 ; enchanted, Hebrides, 35
Stones : {see also Cromlechs ; Devil's Quoits ; Dolmens ; Hoar Stones ; and Rollright Stones) ; ashma or " spirit stone" in Brahman funeral and marriage rites, 236, 240; churingas or soul boxes, Arunta, 363; divination from, Torres Straits, 103 : sacred, associated with mar- riage and sexual union, 234-7, and with threshold, 239-40 ; sacred, in rice harvest rites, Ce3'lon, 277 ; worship of, 218 ; Ireland, 324
Storms : foretold by geese, St. Briavel's, 172 ; whirling ashes, Hebiides, 33 ; at funerals, of ill omen, St. Briavel's, 172 ; spoon protects ship from, Malays, 164
Straw rope in charm to avert cattle disease, N, India, 189
Straw spread before wife-beater's door, 246
Stray Notes on Oxfordshire Folklore, by P. Manning, 114, 2SS-95
String games, Torres Straits, 103
Styes, charm for, Hebrides, 58
Suftblk, see Dunwich
Sulaiman hills : springs caused by Moslem saint, 260-1 ; weregild &c. in, 271-2
Sulaiman Shah, Jafifir tribe, 262
Sulia or tutelary spirits, Salish Indians, 369
Sumatra: {see also Battas or Battaks) ; crocodiles as kinsmen, 366 ; tiger is ancestor and worshipped, 366
Sun: eclipse of, births during, Gurdas- pur, 66, Malays, 164 ; created at prayer of man, Dieyerie tribe, 18, by Mooramoora, 403 ; dances on Easter Sunday, Hebrides. 40 ; Krishna as sun god, Kandy, 78 ; worship of, 441