Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 13, 1902.djvu/525

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Cambridgeshire brasses. Mon. Brass Soc. iv. 176-182.

Cameron (Mary Lovett). A survival of tree worship. Folklore,

xii. 455-456. Cameron (Rev. C. Lovett). Mortimer in olden time. Berks,

Bucks, and Oxon Arch. Journ. N.S. vii. 71-73. Campbell (Duncan). Giraldus Cambrensis. Gaelic Soc. Inverness,

XX. 151-167. The exchequer rolls of Scotland. Gaelic Soc. Inverness,

xxii. 210-233. Carey (Edith F.). The bumble-bee in magic. Folklore, xii. 103. Carrington (W. a.). The early lords of Belvoir. Brit. Arch.

Assoc. N.S. vii. 299-32G. Carson (Katherine). Customs relating to iron. Folklore, xii.

473-474. Chadwick (Edward Marion). The armiger. Arch. Journ. Iviii.

305-321. Chadwick (S. J.). Kirklees priory. Yorks Arch. Journ. xvi.

319-368. Chambrier (Baronne Alexandre de). Projet de Colonisation en

Irelande par les refugies francais, 1692-1693. Huguenot Soc.

vi. 369-432. Chervin (Dr.). The power of speech. Folklore, xii. 353. Cheshire (Frederic J.). Rainbow magic. Folklore, xii. 479-

480. Christison (Dr. David). Excavation of earthworks adjoining the

Roman road between Ardoch and Dupplin, Perthshire. Soc.

Antiq. Scot. xxxv. 15-43. - — History and general description of the Roman station of

Camelon, near Falkirk, Stirlingshire, excavated by the Society

in 1900. Soc. Antiq. Scot. xxxv. 329-350. and Joseph Anderson. Excavations of the Roman

camp at Lyne, Peeblesshire, undertaken by the Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland in 1901, with notes on the relics. Soc. Antiq. Scot. xxxv. 154-186.

Christy Miller). Discovery of Roman coins at Little Waltham. Essex Arch. Soc. N.S. viii. 229-230.

and W. W. Porteous. Some interesting Essex brasses.

Essex Arch. Soc. N.S. viii. 249-285.

Church (Rev. C. M.). Notes on the buildings, books, and benefac- tors of the library of the dean and chapter of the cathedral church of Wells. Arch. Ivii. 201-228.