Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 14, 1903.djvu/19

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Annual Report of the Council.

feeling that it would be not unreasonable to expect a larger attendance of London members at the ordinary meetings of the Society, and especially at the annual meeting in January.

Some thirty or forty books and pamphlets have been presented to the Society's library during the year, and these will in due course be added to the Society's collection at the Anthropological Institute, 3, Hanover Square.

On the 25th October the Society paid a visit to Oxford. The programme for the day was arranged by Mr. R. R. Marett. It included a visit to the Pitt-Rivers Museum in the afternoon under the direction of Mr. H. Balfour; and a meeting in the Hall of Exeter College, kindly placed at the disposal of the Society by the Rector and Fellows in the evening, when a paper on "Exogamy and the Australian System" was read by Mr. Andrew Lang. The meeting was a thoroughly successful one, and the hall was full to overflowing. Among those present were the Vice-Chancellor of the University and the Rector of Exeter College and many other members of the University. In the unavoidable absence of the President owing to a family bereavement, the chair was taken by Professor Tylor; and in the discussion which followed the reading of the paper, Mr. Gomme, Mr. Hartland, Mr. Marett, and the Chairman took part. The heartiest thanks of the Society are due to Mr. Marett, who not only secured the use of the hall, but also made the meeting known throughout the University. In fact, without his assistance the Society's visit to Oxford would never have been accomplished.

The Council regret to announce that Mrs. Kate Lee, who so kindly undertook to act as the secretary of the Lecture Committee a year ago, has been obliged to resign the position owing to ill health. Her place has not yet been filled, and under these circumstances the work of the Committee is at a standstill. It is hoped, however, that some member of the Society may come forward and actively undertake the task of organising some courses of lectures in the suburbs during the winter months.