attribute of Heracles, Ithome, 264 ; as totem, Ba-taungas, 416
Lipara : statue of Apollo from, Delphi, 271
Liphook : bonfires but no Guy, Nov. 5, 90
Lips : omens from, Ross-shire. 379
Lirale, standard of value, Ba-Khaha, 115, 1 17-9
Literature of the Celts, The, its His- tory and Romance, by M. Maclean, reviewed, 108-9
Little Tew : mysterious noises, 71-2
Liutprand, King, see King Liutprand
Lizard : kinds variously allotted as food, W. Australia, 336-7 ; as totem, New Caledonia, 259
Llangorse lake : birds declare king of Wales, 56-7
Lobster : combats with octopus, Pompeii, 234-6 {illus.)', as Perseus,
234 Lochaber : ballads, 152 ; seventh
son of seventh son as healer, 372-3 Lock, as amulet, China, 114, 294-5,
{plate) Lombards : election of king, 45-6 Lombardy, see Brescia ; Cremona ;
Leno ; and Pavia London, see Kensington Long Compton : folktale, 410-2 Longevity amulets, China, 114-5,
294-6 {platQ) Lorraine : folktale, 313 Lots, casting : for new Grand Lama,
49 Lotus : anthemion ornament, 233 Louisiades : necklace, 183 Love songs, see Folk songs Love potions and spells, see Charms
and spells Lovett, E. : Crescent Charms, 65
{plate) ; Fetish Worship in Central
Africa, 2, 6, 61-3 {plate) Loving Ballad of Lord Batenian, The,
ballad discussed, 156-7 Loyalty islands, see Lifu ; and Mare Lucky and unlucky days and deeds :
Azores, 141, 143 ; Faroes, 306 ;
Highlands, 300-5, 382 ; Malta,
84-5 Ludlow : fifth November customs, 91 Lugaidh Reo-derg, see King Lugaidh
Reo-derg Lupine : in legend of Holy Family,
Azores, 136 Lusi : votive wheels at, 289
Luxemburg : the " Amecht," 318 Luxemburg legend, 196-7 Lysander, statues of, Argos, 274
Mabinogion, The, by Lady C. Guest and A. Nutt, reviewed. 107
Mabuiag island : crocodile clan, 427
M'Donald, Rev. A., Folklore from the Hebrides : A Disclaimer, 87
Macdonald, S., Old-World Survivals in Ross-shire, 368-84
Macedonia : {see also Monastir) ; jus primcE noctis, 420 ; Abbott's Mace- donian Folklore reviewed, 446-8
Maclagan, R. C, Charms &c. figured on Plate IX., 210, 298-300 {plate)
Madagascar : {see also Betsileos) ; patterns from python, 312
Madness, amulet against, China, 297
Madonna, The, see Virgin Mary
Marchen, see Folktales
Maghada : in Jataka, 34
Magic : {see also Amulets and talis- mans ; Charms and spells ; Exor- cism ; Incantations ; and Witch- craft) ; assigned to East region of space, Zuiii, 430 ; Australia, 429 ; barrenness, rites to obviate, Punjab, 102 ; carp creagh, Ross-shire, 373-4; hair of dead warrior woven into girdle, W. Australia, 335 ; letters from heaven used in, Hesse, 319 ; "muth" or magical substance to injure enemy, India, 407-9 ; personal mutilation and adornment a magical object, 106 ; rain-making, Belgium, 319 ; New Caledonia, 252 ; as related to religion, Punjab, 101-2, and to votive offerings, 279 ; stones, magical, for increasing crops, New Caledonia &c., 256 ; sun-making, New Caledonia, 252 ; sympathetic, for shipwrecks &c. , Scotland, 97 ; thrashing ground to make fruitful. New Caledonia &c., 257 ; wind- making. New Caledonia, 252 ; worked at popular assemblies, Bel- gium &c., 319
Magic Blocks, Fifteen, (Chinese), 114,292-3
Magic square on amulet, China, 296 (plate)
Ma-Gwamba people, see Nkuna tribe
Mahabharata, The, 406
Maia (Azores) : in folktale, 132
Maize: husking custom, Azores, 143-4