Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 14, 1903.djvu/552

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Anderson (Joseph), Account of the excavation of the Roman station at Inchtuthil, Perthshire : notice of the pottery, bronze and other articles. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Scot, xxxvi. 236-242.

Andrew (W. J.). Some Derbyshire fonts. Derby Arch, cmd Nat. Hist. Soc. xxiv. 163-168.

Ramblings of an antiquary : the Old Hall at Mickleover.

Derby Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. xxiv. 169-171.

Andrews (Francis B.). Mediaeval or tithe barns. Birm. and Mid.

Inst. xxvi. 10-32. The mediaeval seals of Worcestershire. Birm. and Mid-

Inst, xxviii. 15-36. Andrews (R. T.). The Rye house castle and manor of Rye. East

Herts Arch. Soc. ii. 32-45. Andrews (W. F.). The ruined church of Chistield, Stevenage. East

Herts Arch. Soc. ii. 18-22.

Stanstead St. Margaret's church. East Herts Arch. Soc.

ii. 23-26.

Arnold (F. H.). Interesting finds at Chichester. Sussex Arch. Coll. xlv. 212.

Hiding place at Slindon. Sussex Arch. Coll. xlv. 213.

Finds at Selsey rectory. Sussex Arch. Coll. xlv. 213.

City of Chichester standing ordei's, 1688. Sussex Arch.

Coll. xlv. 213-214. The dead man's hand. Sussex Arch. Coll. xlv. 215.

Is a barber a tradesman. Sussex Arch. Coll. xlv. 215-216.

AsHBY (Thomas, Jun.), Alfred E. Hudd, and A. T. Martin. Excava- tions at Caerwent, Monmouthshire, on the site of the Romano- British city of Venta Silurum, in 1901. Arch. Iviii. 119-152.

AssiNGTON church and the hall. Suffolk Inst. Arch. xi. 225-227.

AsTLEY (Rev. H. J. Dukinfield). The early history and associa- tions of Lindisfarne, or Holy island, Northumberland. Brit. Arch. Assoc. N.S. viii. 115-128, 179-194.

Atchley (E. G. C. F.). Mediaeval parish-clerks in Bristol. St. PauVs Eccles. Soc. V. 107-116.

The Halleway chauntry at All Saints', Bristol. Bristol

and Glouc. Arch. Soc. xxiv. 74-125.

Auden (Rev. T,). Two royal paramours. Shropshire Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. 3rd S. ii. 248-254.

Axon (Ernest). The Owen MSS. Lanes, and Chcsh. Antiq. Soc. xvii. 48-63.

Axon (W. E. A.). Simwnt Fychan's Welsh translation of Martial's