Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 14, 1903.djvu/9

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Basutoland, its Legends and Customs. Minnie Cartwright (née Martin) 415

Totemism in New Caledonia. N. W. Thomas 418

The Vessel-Cup. Charlotte S. Burne 419

Jus Primes Noctis. M. Peacock 419


R. C. Maclagan's The Evil Eye in the Western Highlands; John Gregorson Campbell's Witchcraft and Second Sight in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland; and A. Goodrich-Freer's Outer Isles. John Abercromby 95

H. A. Rose's Popular Religion in the Punjab. W. Crooke 100

Nathan Söderblom's La Vie Future d'aprés le Mazdéisme à la lumiére des Croyances parallèles dans les autres Réligions. Alfred Nutt 104

Lord Avebury's The Origin of Civilization. A. C. Haddon 106

A. Nutt's Lady Charlotte Guest's Mabinogion. Margaret Eyre 107

Magnus Maclean's The Literature of the Celts. F. York Powell 108

Ch. Rœssler's Les Influences Celtiques avant et apres Columban. F. York Powell 109

Clara L. Thomson's Tales from the Faery Queen 110

Winifred Faraday's The Edda: The Heroic Mythology of the North. A. F. Major 111

W. Crooke's Folktales from the Indus Valley. Margaret Eyre 111

A. N. Wesselofsky's Zur Frage über die Heimath der Legende vom Heiligen Gral, and W. Staerk's Ueber den Ur sprung der Grallegende. Alfred Nutt 189

Anton Kippenberg's Die Sage vom Herzog von Luxemburg. F. York Powell 196

A. Jeremias's Im Kampfe um Babel und Bibel. Alfred Nutt 197

James Mew's Traditional Aspects of Hell. E. W. Brabrook 200

F. Starr's Physical Characters of the Indians of Southern Mexico, and Notes upon the Ethnography of Southern Mexico W. Crooke 202

Minnie Martin's Basutoland, its Legends and Customs. E. Sidney Hartland 204

M. C. Morris's Vowel Sounds of East Yorkshire Folk Speech; B. Kirby's Lakeland Words; Nathan Hogg's Letters and Poems; F. E. Taylor's Wit and Wisdom of the South Lancashire Dialect; and F. Edward Hulme's Proverb Lore 207