Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 15, 1904.djvu/11

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Whitsuntide Fête, Bryan J. Jones . . 347
Mock Burial. A. Werner 347
" Back-footed " Beings. John Hobson Matthews 348
Monmouthshire Folklore. John Hobson Matthews 348
Charm against Toothache. Herbert M. Bower 350
Midsummer Bonfires. A. Macdonald 350
The Petting-Stone. W. Crooke 351
Eggs in Witchcraft. Edward Peacock 463
A Harvest Custom. H. W. Underdown 464
Reviews : —
Heinrich Schurtz' Altersdassen mid Mdtmerbilnde. N. W, Thomas ...... 108
F. S. Krauss' Die Volkskilnde in den Jahre?i, 1897-1902. Alfred Nutt ..... 113
E. Hoffmann-Kayer's Die Volkskilnde ah Wissenschaft. Alfred Nutt ..... 116
Zelia Nuttall's The Fundamental Principles of Old a7id New World Civilisations. M. Gaster 117
Sir Edgar MacCulloch and Edith F. Carey's Guernsey Folklore Charlotte S. Burne .... 119
Charles Swynnerton's Romantic Tales frotn the Pu7ijdb. W. H D. Rouse ...... 124
Rene Basset's Contes Populaires d'Afrique. A. Werner 125
G. Herelle's Les Pastorale sBasques ; G. Crimi Lo Giudice's Vendetta Racconta Campagnolo Siciliano ; Magheria, Amore per Forza. J. B. Andrews . . . . .127
H. H. Risley and E. A. Gait's Census of India, 1901 W. Crooke ....... 222
Dudley Kidd's The Essential Kafir. N. W. Thomas. . 224
Casely Hayford's Gold Coast Native Ifistituiions. A. Werner 226
Dr. Otto Stoll's Suggestion und Hypnotis7nus in der Volker- psychologie. N. W. Thomas . . . .230
L. Radermacher's Das Jenseits im Mythos der Hellenen. Alfred Nutt ...... 232
E. W. B. Nicholson's Keltic Researches. Alfred Nutt . 234
L. Winifred Faraday's The Cattle-raid of Cualnge. Eleanor Hull. ...... 235
Jessie L. Weston's Sir Gawain at the Grail Castle. W. P. Ker ....... 239
A. Dieterich and T. Achelis's Archiv filr Religionswissenschaft. R. R. Marett ...... 240