Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 15, 1904.djvu/15

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Vol. XV.]
MARCH, 1904.
[No. 1.


The President (Prof. York Powell) in the Chair.

The minutes of the last Meeting were read and confirmed.

The election of the Cambridge Free Library, Mr. H. W Poor, Miss Quaritch, Mr. A. W. Johnston, the Mercantile Library of Philadelphia, Miss Edith Carey, and Miss M. F. Hodgson as members of the Society was announced.

The death of Mr. W. D. Freshfield, and the resignations of Mrs. W. E. Price, the London Institution, Dr. O. Clark, Mrs. Philpot, Mr. W. J. Harding King, Mrs. Beer, Miss G. M. Godden, Dr. Karl Blind, and Mr. G. A. Grierson were also announced.

Mr. A. R. Wright exhibited and explained some Tibetan charms [figured on Plate II. and described on p. 67].

The Secretary, on behalf of Mr. H. R. H. Southam, Mayor of Shrewsbury, exhibited a soul-cake baked in Shrewsbury on All Souls' Day by a member of a family who had made them for many years past, upon which Miss Burne offered some observations.

Miss Burne read a short note on Guy Fawkes in London, [p. 106].

Miss Hull read a paper entitled "The Story of Deirdre, a Study in Folktale Development" [p. 24], and a discussion followed, in which Dr. Gaster, Mr. Nutt, and the President took part.

The meeting terminated with votes of thanks to the readers of papers and exhibitors of objects.