Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 15, 1904.djvu/192

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174 Toda Praxcr.

Soon after these events certain Todas went to Korateu and said, " We have no place ; give us a place." Korateu gave them a place and said that it should be called Keradr. The people then asked for buffaloes. Korateu gave them a sambhur calf and said that it should become buffaloes for them and that the buffaloes should be called miniapir and the calves should be called mavelkar, and the sacred buffa- loes or tvursiilir of the Keradr clan are descended from the sambhur calf and are called miniapir and their calves are called mdvelkar.

The six kivarzam referring to incidents in the life of the god Korateu are followed by two kwarzam of the buffaloes of the dairy, and then follow six kivarzam referring to certain incidents in the history of the foundation of the dairy at Makars. The legend runs as follows: —

When Anto created the buffaloes, one buffalo wearing a bell round its neck went to Makars to the place where the tiUlr tree nowstands. The buffalo rubbed its back against the tree, and some bark was rubbed off, and it is owing to this that the place became a ti, the dairy being built near the tree. When it reached Makars, the buffalo was very angry because there was no dairyman at the place and it raged furiously. W^hile jumping about with rage, it jumped over the stream called Warwar, and after jumping over some stones it fell into the stream called Kitheri, but it suc- ceeded in getting out and did not die. The buffalo was also angry that there was no pen, and it pushed stones together with its horns and made a pen.

The kwarzam following these refers to an incident in the history of the dairy. The kwarzam runs "seven heaps buffalo-dung fire setting buffaloes." The practice at the dairy was to make seven heaps of the buffalo-dung, and there was a law that this dung should not be sold. Once, however, the dairyman sold some and soon after the seven heaps broke out into fire, and the event has since been commemorated in the [)rayer. This is almost certainly an