Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 15, 1904.djvu/237

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Collectanea. :>I3

frequently enough and yet are looked upon as signs of coming events. Of these the following are well known.

The breaking of a green bough without any external force, the flying of crows after dark, the lowing of cows at night, and rats eating your fingers or clothes, all these are said to be sure indication of death or some such serious catastrophe. Besides these there are many which signify events of a less doleful nature, such as the following.

If the day fixed for a marriage should turn out to be a very bleak and wet day, the couple are said to be sure to live a miserable life ; on the other hand, should it be a fine and quiet day, they may expect to live a very peaceful and happy life. Again should several persons be shaking hands together and one should cross over another, be sure one of the party will soon get married. It is said to be unlucky to marry on your birthday, as it prognosticates an unhappy marriage life. Should any individual give to his or her lover a pair of scissors, a pocket knife, a hand- kerchief, or a single pin, some unhappy affair will take place and result in their estrangement. Another is that if one should open an umbrella in a house, sit on a table, or put his hat on a table, he will never get married. Then there are some which relate to the amassing of fortune. Should you have a large pair of ears it is believed you will eventually become very rich, whilst a small pair indicates just the contrary. Also if you are travelling, and on your way as you are nearing your destination you should strike what is called your "good foot," you are most likely to succeed in whatever undertaking you are going about. Again, should your right palm itch and you rub it against your pocket, you are sure to get some money in a short time, while the itching of your left palm indicates your spending money.

There are many others which are said to signify various illusions, of which the following may be mentioned. The man who at an early age drinks out of a pot will never grow a beard. If you show your money to a new moon you will never be out of cash. If you should happen to peel an orange without breaking the rind you will soon get a new suit of clothes. If two persons begin to say the same thing at once (unintentionally) they will die together. It is not good to throw anything outdoors at night, as you may hit some spirit. If you should scrape your finger nails you will become very poor. If you throw up a cat in the air and it