Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 15, 1904.djvu/522

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Circumcision, mock, Niné, 19

Cithaeron, Mount: bonfire at Great Daedala, 273–4, 307; myth of Phorbas, 377

Clark, M. S., Pembrokeshire Notes, 194–8

Cleomedes of Astypalæa, 401

Clergy: priest great magical power, Tipperary, 460; word "minister" unlucky at sea, Fifeshire, 96

Cli in Irish bardic schools, 15

Clitus, suitor of Pallene, 381

Clockwise: prayer-wheel turned so, Tibet, 333

Clouds, omens from, Anjou, 293, Jamaica, 456

Clytæmnestra, Queen, see Queen Clytæmnestra

Cnossus: Apollo's tripod evolved from trees, 416; Cretans from, first worshippers of Delphic Apollo, 413; cult of oak Zeus, 415; plain near, 415; triad of bætylic pillars, 416; Zeus associated with oak, 413, and poplar, 419; Zeus triad, 291

Cobham, Miss E., exhibits by, 130

Cock: on coins of Phaestus, Crete, 295; given to witch-doctor by apprentice, E. Central Africa, 71; omens from, Jamaica, 93–4, 210–1, 453, 455; sacred to sun, Greece, 296

Cockatoo: white, origin of name of Arunta tribe, 204

Cockchafer: parish nickname, 123

Cockroach: omen from, Jamaica, 94, 211

Codrus, King, see King Codrus

Coffee-drinking prevents studying, Jamaica, 456

Coffee-pot in charm necklace, Yemen Jews, 191

Coffin; first shaving protects from ghost, Jamaica, 88

Colchis: story of golden fleece, 271, 293, 305, 393

Collectanea, 68–94, 185–214, 316–43, 447–62

Colours in folklore, see Black; Blue; Brown; Green; Red; White; and Yellow

Column: represents sacred tree, Delphi &c., 414

Comb, in charm necklace, Yemen Jews, 191 (plate)

Combing hair at night unlucky, Jamaica, 209

Comets identified with magic spears, Arunta, 159

Compass, points of: (see also East); gods of cardinal points, Tibet, 332

Conchobar MacNessa, King, see King Conchobar MacNessa

Congo State, see Bobangi; and Monsembe

Connaught: (see also Leitrim; and Roscommon); the raid of Queen Meave, 235-8

Conor, King, see King Conor

Constantinople: myth of votive tripod, 107

Consumption, cure for, E. Central Africa, 73

Contes Populaires d'Afrique, by R. Basset, reviewed, 125–6

Cook, A. B., The European Sky-God, 264–315, 369–426

Cook, T. A., communication from, 98

Cook's islands, see Mangaia; and Raratonga

Copper, lucky to dream of, Jamaica, 211

Coral in magic, 362

Corinth: Apollo, name of, 420; images of Zeus, 291; in story of Hippodamia, 381; Zeus an underground god, 276, 291

Cork county, see Fermoy

Cormorant: omen from, Guernsey, 121

Corn: grain added to money to protect, Jamaica, 94; siftings as parish nickname, Guernsey, 123

Corn Baby?, A., by Miss C. S. Burne, 185

Cornfields: charm against robbery of, E. Central Africa, 72; Easter Sunday custom, Monmouthshire, 221

Corn spirits, vegetation souls, and the like: 434; Cambridgeshire, 2, 185, (plate); Pembrokeshire, 194–6; rain dolly, Armenia &c., 430–35; Wallachia, 434–5

Cornwall, see St. Ives

Coronea: Zeus-Hades at, 278–9

Corp Creagh, The, by Rev. Stopford A. Brooke and Mrs. A. B. Gomme, 102–3, 152

Corpse candles: Pembrokeshire, 196

Corpses, customs and beliefs concerning, see Death and funeral customs and beliefs

Corpses eaten, see Cannibalism