Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 15, 1904.djvu/524

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Candlemas bonfires, Armenia, 437 ; dance societies, N. America, 1 10 ; in exorcism, E. Central Africa, 71; head-hunting, Dyaks, 361 ; morris, London, 106-7 '■< Northumberland, 342; Otaheite, 130; war, Ba-Ronga, 229, W. Africa, 158; wedding, Basutos, 253 Dancing, as punishment for theft,

Monmouthshire, 78 Daphnephoria rite, Boeotia, 409 Dardanus, son of Zeus, 301 Darkness as totem, Australia, 472 David, King, see King David Davvkins, R. M., Greek and Cretan

Epiphany Customs, 214 Days and Seasons : All Souls' Day, I ; April, 428, 443, 456-7; Assump- tion, Feast of, 439 ; August, 439, 443 ; Autumn, 17 ; Candlemas, 436-S; Christmas, 214, 438: Christ- mas Eve, 438 ; December, 86, 201, 214, 438 ; Easter, 221, 439 ; Easter Sunday, 221 ; Epiphany, 198, 214 ; February, 436-8 : Friday, 86, 347 ; Good Friday, 86 ; Guy Fawkes Day, I, 106-7 ; Hallow Eve, 461 ; January, 197-8, 201, 214, 221, 456 ; June, 105-6 ; May, 198, 428, 457 ; May Day, 198, 428, 457 ; May Eve, 457; Midday, 211; Midnight, 208, 212 ; Midsummer, 105-6, 121,350-1; Midsummer Eve, 105-6 ; Monday, 201, 347 ; New Year's Day, 197, 221, 456; New Year's Eve, 86 ; Night, 18-20, 208-9, 211, 213. 475 ; November, I, 106-7, 199-202 : October, 461 ; Pentecost, Feast of, 347, 430 ; St. George's Day, 428 ; St. John's Eve, 105-6 ; St. Thomas' Day, 443-5 ; Spring, 86 ; Sunday, 221, 347 ; Tammuz, month of, 443-5 ; Thurs- day, 347 ; Transfiguration, Feast of, 429-30 ; Tuesday, 347 ; Wednes- day, 347 ; Whit Monday, 347 ; Whit Sunday, 347 ; Whitsuntide, 347 ; Whit Tuesday, 347 ; Winter, 437 ; attempts to reconcile lunar and solar years, Greeks, 394 ; calendar and times and observances taught, Maoris, 18 ; 365 fillets for year in Daphnephoria, Boeotia, 410 ; month called Apellaios, Greece, 420 Dead Letter, The, Irish folktale, 336 Dead man's hand, in spells, Tipperary, 459

Dead Priest, The, Irish folktale, 338 Death and fiancral customs and beliefs: (^see also Graves ; fl«^ Omens) ; bees told of death and put in mourning, Monmouthshire, 221 ; burial cus- toms, Basutos, 257, E. Central Africa, 70, Jamaica, 88-9, Torres Straits, 357 ; burial in church wall, Monmouthshire, 86; children should be passed over corpse, Jamaica, 88; coffin sprinkled with earth from Skyrrid, Monmouthshire, 349 ; corpse armed to kill murderer, Jamaica, 88 ; corpse associated with rain-charm, Ourfa, New Cale- donia, and Russia, 431, 433 ; corpse, bread laid on, Armenia, 440-1 ; corpse can indicate wishes on journey, Jamaica, 453 ; corpse carried feet foremost to prevent return, Torres Straits, 357 ; corpse lifted several times before removal, Jamaica, 88 : corpse can run and give weight when carried, Jamaica, 88 ; corpse on shore must be buried, Guernsey, 123 ; corpse should not be seen through window or crevice, Jamaica, 209, or by person with wound, Jamaica, 89 ; corpse should be touched, Jamaica, 88 ; corpse tied and sewn in mat, Mabuiag, 357 ; corpse visited by baker pre- vents leaven from rising, Jamaica, 94 : corpse must be washed by two, Jamaica, 89, and washing its back brings haunting, 89, 452 ; crj'ing at funeral avoids misfortunes, Basutos, 258 : dead clothes rot if thread cut by teeth, Jamaica, 89 : dead knock food from hand, Jamaica, 94 ; dead not named, Basutos, 258 ; dead re- turn to fulfil obligations, Ireland, 338 ; dead return to house if thread of grave clothes knotted, Jamaica, 89 ; dead rise after three days, Jamaica, 88, 90, and take shadows of possessions. Jamaica, 88 ; dead supplied with knives, tobacco, &c., Jamaica, 453 ; dead write letters, Ireland, 336 ; death caused by planting " mamy " seeds, Jamaica, 94 ; death into the water, spells for casting, 152 ; death of animal prevents death of person, Jamaica, 453 ; death usually from obeah or the duppy, Jamaica, 87 ; destroying angel washes knife