Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 15, 1904.djvu/527

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Dum-cane planted with silver coin and leaves flogged to kill thief, Jamaica, 92

Dundalk : mare foaled on Whit- Monday ill-tempered, 347

Dung : as antidote to witch poisons, E. Central Africa, 71-2 ; of buffalos in seven heaps, Todas, 174, and not sold, Todas, 174; burning un- lucky, Jamaica, 211 ; burnt to free haunted house, Jamaica, 207

Dujjpy, see Ghosts

Durkheim, E., Reponse a M. Lang, 215-6

Durris : Midsummer bonfire, 105, 351

Dyaks : head-hunting rites, 361

Eagle : Achaemenes of Persia reared t'y, 391 ; associated with Zeno- Poseidon, 278, and Zeus, 276, 299, 372, 389 ; on Greek coins, 307, 308, 372, 390, 414-5; deities take shape of, Greeks, 296, 389, 417 ; double-headed, on standard, Baby- lonia, 391; as eponym of Phleg}-ae, 386 ; golden, on pillars of Zeus, 372, and as royal standard &c., Persia, 391 ; king of birds, Greeks, 386 ; kings transformed into, Greeks &c., 390-1 ; myth of origin of, Greeks, 386 ; omens from, Greeks, 390- 1 ; on omphalos, Delphi, 412 ; royal bird, Egypt &c., 391 ; on sceptres, 372. 390-1 ; sea, Pandareos and Nisus changed into, 390 : soul of Agamemnon becomes, 390

Ears : omen from burning &c. of, Germany, 462, Ireland, 462, Jamaica, 93, 210, 450, 454, or from size of, Jamaica, 210, 213, 454 ; seized as disgrace, story of Deirdre, 27-8

Earth gods, see Chthonian deities

Earth spirits, France, 475

East : buried dead face, Basutos, 256

Easter : {see also Easter Sunday) ; animal sacrifices at, Egin, 439

Easter Sunday: "walking the wheat," Monmouthshire, 221

East Indies, see Borneo ; Ceram ; New Guinea ; and Papuans

Eating : dead knock food from hand, Jamaica, 94 ; from pot prevents beard, Jamaica, 452

Eccleshall : rushlight stand, &c., 130

Eces or learned man, training of, Ire- land, 14-5

Eddaic myths : Olrick's Oin Ragna- rok reviewed, 365-7

Eddaic poems : dialogues in, 18 ; preservation of, 22

Edessa, see Ourfa

Edoni : Lycurgus, king of, 313, 392

Eggs : Eggs in Witchcraft, by E. Peacock, 463-4 ; in exorcism of disease &c. demons, Jerusalem, 188 ; shells as witches' boats, Guernsey, 123 ; stealing causes always to steal, Jamaica, 209

Egin : Assumption, Feast of, 439 ; bonfires and candles. Candlemas, 437 ; childbirth customs, Egin, 445-6 ; firstfruits, festival of, 439, 444 ; folklore from, 428 ; pebljles suspended in Euphrates as rain charm, 431 ; rain dolly, 431-2 ; rain festival, annual, 429-30

Eglingham : marriage custom, 351

Egypt : {ste also Nile river) ; eagle royal bird, 391 ; hand as amulet, 189-90 ; Heracles as sun god, 422 ; king Busiris, story of, 393 ; name of, 391 ; phoenix symbol of sun, 270; pole star worship, 118; Zeus reigned as king, 301

Eight : glorious emblems in Buddha's footprints, 333 ; years as period of king's reign, Dorians, 395 ; years as period of festivals, Greece, 402-

Elaea : coin of, 308

Elbow : omens from, Ireland, 462,

Jamaica, 454 Elder-tree : branch in harvest custom,

Kent, 464 Electra, the sons of, 301 Eleusis : Celeus, first king of, 389 ;

Cercyon, king of, 378 ; oak cult

at, 378 ; Triptolemus of, 314-5 ;

Zeus triad, 291 Elis : {see also Lepreum ; Olympia ;

a7id Pisa) ; early kings, 398-9 ;

myth of Augeas, 401 ; myth of

Salmoneus, 300, 385, 399; white

poplar used for sacrifices, 297 Ellis, H. C, Monmouthshire Notes,

221 Elysium, see Hades Emain Macha : in story of Deirdre,

30- 32 Emania, see Emain Macha Empedocles, story of, 301-2