Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 15, 1904.djvu/543

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Negro as compared with Bantu, 227 Negro folklore, see Africa ; Antilles ; Brazil ; Jamaica ; Louisiana ; and Mauritius Neide, candidate as High Ollamh,

Ireland, 16 Neleus, father of Periclymenus, 390 Neolithic Man in North-east Surrey, by W. Johnson and W. Wright, short notice of, 479 Neophron, in myth of Aegypius, 388 Neoptolemus, son of Achilles ; sacri- ficed to, Delphi, 407 ; slain at Delphi, 406-7 Nephele the cloud goddess, 392-3 Nero : on coins, Apollonia, 419 New Caledonia : rain-making, 161, 433 ; rights of maternal uncle, 354 ; sunshine-making, 152 New Guinea : {see also Papuans) ;

totemism, 356 New South Wales : rain-making, 433 Newt : jumps down throat, Ireland, 460 ; how to drive from stomach, Ireland, 460 New Year's Day : ceremony on, Mon- mouthshire, 221 ; omens of year on, Jamaica, 456, Monmouthshire, 221 ; singing on, Pembrokeshire, 197 New Year's Eve: "gifts" carried

round, Monmouthshire, 86 New Year's fruits, precedence in

eating, Bantus, 203 New Year's water, Pembrokeshire,

198 New Zealand, see Maoris Niall, in folktale of Morraha, 62 Nicknames, see Names Night : (^see also Midnight) ; always teaching-time, Maoris, 18-9 ; folk- dramas at, Hervey islands, 20 ; in folklore, France, 475 : stones &c. thrown then may hit ghost, Jamaica, 211, 213 ; unlucky to comb hair, spit out of window, &c., Jamaica, 208-9 Nike on vase, Vulci, 411 Nile river : name of, 391 ; " Zeus- fallen," 268 Nileus, son of Codrus, 375 Nile valley : folktales, 125 Nilgiri Hills, see Todas Niuafoou : in folktale from Rotuma,

218-9 Nine : in charm against erysipelas, Guernsey, 123 ; in charm against

evil eye, Ireland, 458 ; in Greek

myths, 395 ; ninth night in mourn- ing, Jamaica, 212; years as wer- wolf, Arcadia, 40S

Niue : origins of people of, 19

Nisus, King, see King Nisus

Njambe, deity. Upper Congo, 327

Noah, commemorated in Vartevar festival, Armenia, 430

Noon, see Midday

North America : (^see also British Columbia ; Mexico ; United States of North America ; and West Indies) ; orenda or wakan, magical power, 363 ; Ragnarok, parallels to, 366 ; secret and dance societies, no

Northamptonshire, see Stamford

Northern Tribes of Central Australia, The, by B. Spencer and F. J. Gillen, reviewed, 465-74

North Pole Star : worship of, 1 18

North Queensland : children reincar- nation of ancestors, 467 ; saga of native of, 358

Northumberland, see Eglingham ; Ilderton ; Roddam : and Wooler

Northumbrian Social Customs, by Miss C. S. Burne, 341-3

Norway, see Telemarken

Nose : omens from burning &c. of, Ireland, 461, Jamaica, 94, 207,


Notes from Armenia, in Illustration of The Golden Bough, by J. R. Harris, 427-446

Notes from the Upper Congo, by J. H. Weeks, 326-31

Notes on the Stamford Bull-running, by Miss M. Peacock, 131, 199-202

November : {see also All Souls' Day); Fifth November Customs, by Miss C. S. Burne, i, 106-7 ! 13th, bull- running, Stamford, 199-202

Nsongo, sister of deity Libanza, Upper Congo, 328-31

Ntumbi : folktale from, 344-6

Numbers in folklore, see under various numbers, sttch as Three

Nursery rhymes : England, 283 ; Guernsey, 120

Nutt, A. : notes to Arthur and Gorla- gon, 2, 60-7; reviews by, — Rader- macher's Das Jenseits im Mythos der Helle7ien, 232-3 ; Nicholson's Keltic Researches, 234-5 ; Hoff- mann-Krayer's Die Volkskunde als