Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 15, 1904.djvu/582

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Fitzgerald (Lord Walter). Patrick Sarsfielcl, Earl of Liacaii, with an account of his family and their connection with Lucau and Tully. Kildarc Arc/i. Sue. iv. lli-147.

Notes on an Ooham-inscribod stone recently discovered in

the Donaghmore Churcliyard, near Maynooth, co. Kildare, with a reading of its inscription by Prof. J. Rhys. Kildarc Arch. Soc. iv. 155-100.

The Earl of Kildare's Standard-bearers in the sixteenth

century. Kildare Arch. Soc. iv. 1G3-1G4.

The will of Sir John Alen, Knt,, Lord Chancellor of

Ireland, of Alen's Court, or St. Wolstau's, co. Kildare. Kildare Arch. Soc. iv. K34-1G6.

Timolin. Kildare Arch. Soc. iv. 1GG-1G7.

Members of Parliament for the county Kildare in 15G0 and

1585. Kildare Arch. Soc. iv. 1G7-1G8.

Dame Jenet Sarsfield, sister of Sir William Sarsfield, Knt.,

of Lucan, whose third husband was Robert Plunkett, fifth Baron.

of Dunsany. Kildare Arch. >S'or. ix. 1G8-1G9. Clergy of the parish of Clane. Kildare Arch. Soc. iv.

1G9. Ferdinand, alias Fergananim O'Kelly, of the Queen's

county. Kildare Arch. Soc. iv. 170. Fleming (John). Notices of three stone forts of Kintyre. Proc.

Soc. Antiq. Scot, sxxvii. 360-3G5. Eletcher (Rev. Reginald J.). The Reformation and the Inns of

Court. St. PaiiVsEccles. Soc. v. 149-157. Fletcher (Pv.ev. W. G. D.). The Sequestration papers of Thomas

Smalman of Wilderhope. Shrojj-sh ire Arch, and Nat. Hint. Soc.

3rd S. iii. 1-3G. ^ Some additional documents relative to the battle of

Shrewsbury. Shropshire Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. 3rd S. iii.

153-1G2. ■^ Battlefield college. Slvropshire Arch, and N(d. Hist, Soc.

3rd S. iii. 177-2G0. A bibliography of Battlefield. Shrop.'^Jiire ArcJi.and Ned.

Hist. Soc. 3rd S. iii. 273-283. --^— The Hearth Monev Tax for Battlefield and Albright

Hussey. Shrojjshire Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. 3rd S. iii. 284. Two Exchequer suits respecting the tithes of the Rectory

of Shifual, and certain payments for the poor inhabitants, 1585. SirrojpsJtire Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. 3rd S. iii. 303-318.