Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 15, 1904.djvu/585

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Gaythorpe (Harper). The Urswick bronze celts. Camh. and Wed. Antiq. and Arch. Soc. N.S. iii. 410.

Notes ou (1) a Norman tympanum with Runic inscription

at Loppergarth, Pennington, and (2) a discovery of bronze implements at Much Urswick. Froc. Sor. Avdiq. 2nd S. xix. 150-152. Gedge (Rev. Caxox). Supplementary remarks on Aylestone church and extracts from the constable's accounts, a.d. 1()71-1710. Leicester Archlt.and Arch. Soc. ix. 191-19(3. Gexnep (A. van). Ornamental patterns and reincarnation. Folk- lore, xiv. 312. George (Thos.). Note on bronze ornaments from Anglo-Saxon

burials at Duston. Froc. Soc. Antiq. 2nd S. xix. 310-314. Gildea (Rev. Canox). Mapperton. Dorset Xat. Hist, and Antiq.

Field Club, XX. 1G7-170. Gladstone (Robert, Junr.). Early charters of the knights hospitallers relating to Much Woolton, near Liverpool. Lanes, and Cliesh. Hist. Soc. N.S. xviii. 173-19(5. Glaisher (Dr. J. W. L. j. Exhibition of dated pieces of Nottingham

stoneware and sgraffiato ware. Camh. Antiq. Soc. x. 199-2(J2. Glyxxe (Sir Stephex). Notes on Yorkshire cliurches. Yorks.

Arch. Soc. xvii. 241-248. GoDDARD (Rev. E. H.). Note on antiquities found in a Roman house at Great Bedwyn. Froc. Soc. Antiq. 2nd S. xix. 188-189, GoDMAN (Percy S.). Borough of Horsham market deed. Sussex

Arch. Coll. xlvi. 181-191. Goffey' (Thomas). Notes on the Merchant Taylors' .schools at Gi-eat Crosby, Lancashire. Lanes, and C/iesh. Hist. Soc. N.S. xviii- 131-172. GooDACRE (R.). St. Andrew's church, Aylestone. Leicester Areltit.

and Arch. Soc. ix. 189-191. Goodspeed (Edgar J.). Alexandrian hexauiete)" fragments. Journ,

Hell. Studies, xxiii. 237-247. Gotch (J. A.). Notes on some Anglo-Saxon antiquities found at Kettering, Northamptonshire. IWic. tSoc. Antiq. 2nd S, xix, 3(J7-310. Gould (J. Chalkley). Carl's Wark. Derhu Areh. and Xat, Soc.xxv. 175-180.

— Nether Hall, ia Roydon. Essex Arch. Soc. N.S, viii.

382-383. Bures M'tunt, Essex Areh, Soc. ix. 20-21,