Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 15, 1904.djvu/601

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Parker (C. A.) and J. F. Curwex. Gosforth Hall. Cumb. and

West. Antiq. and Arch. Soc. N.S. iii. 227-239. Parker (George). The supplementum chirurgiae. Clifton Antiq.

Club, V. 141-146. Parry-Jones (J.). Owen Glyndwr and the battle of Shrewsbury.

Shropshire Arch, and Xaf. Hist. Soc. 3rd S. iii. 163-170. Paterson (A. N.). Tradition in architecture ; its function and

value. Journ. R.I.B.A. 3rd S. ix. 305-318. Patrick (Geo.). Hulne Priory, Alnwick, Northumberland. Brit.

Arch. Assoc. N.S. ix. 49-58. Patterson (W. H.). Find of silver coins near Carrickfergus. iioy.

Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. xiii. 423-424. Peacock (Mabel). St. Mark's Eve. Folklore, xiv. 94.

Land rising supernaturally. Folklore, xiv. 181-182.

An episcopal life-index. Folklore, xiv. 188.

Jus primae noctis. Folklore, xiv. 419-420.

Peacock (Mabel) and C. S. Burne. Fifth of November customs.

Folklore, xiv. 89-91. Pearson (H. G.). Biggar and its ancient customs. Barrow Xat.

Field Club, xi. 66-76. Pearson (H. S.). Alkerton church and its sculptures. Birminghani

and Midland Inst. xxix. 63-70. Pearson (Rev. J. B.). Manors in Devon, 1755. Devon Assoc, xxxv.

654-661. Pearson (Prof. Karl). On the inheritance of the mental and

moral characters in man, and its comparison with the inheritance

of the physical characters. Anthrop. Inst. N.S. vi. 179-237. Peggs (Ada Janet). Notes on the aborigines of Roebuck Bay,

Western Australia. Folklore, xiv. 324-367. Penfold (Henry). Early Brampton Presbyterianism, 1662-1780.

Cumb. and West. Antiq. and Arch. Soc. N.S. iii. 94-125. Pexny (Rev. J.). Tarrant Rushton church. Dorset Nat. Hist, and

Antiq. Field Clnb. xviii. 55-65. Phear (Sir John B.). Molland accounts, with an introductory

note on the evolution of parishes. Devon Assoc, xxxv.

198-238. Phillips (Rev. J.). The oldest parisk registers in Pembrokeshire.

Arch. Camb. 6th S. iii. 298-318. Phillips (William). Carved memorials on tlie tower of Battle- field church. Shropshire Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. 3rd S.

iii. 267-272.