Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 16, 1905.djvu/19

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Annual Report of the Council. 7

The publications of the Society have been brought very nearly up to date, and its finances are in a satisfactory condition.

In the early part of the year an effort was made to induce the authorities of public libraries to become sub- scribers. The Council appeal once more to the members of the Society to interest their friends and acquaintances in its work.

The following Meetings were held in the course of the year 1904, at which papers were read before the Society, viz. :

fan. 20. The President's Address. {Folk- Lore, March, 1904.) Feb. 17. " Wizardry in the West." Miss Wherry.

"The Place of Tradition in Historical Evidence." Mr. G. L. Gomme. March 17. "The Development of the Prayer out of the Spell." Mr. R. R.

Marett. April 20. "On Toda Prayer." Dr. W, H. R. Rivers. May 18. "The Folklore of the Basuto." Mrs. Cartwright. JuneiS- "Some Annancy Tales as told in Jamaica." Miss Pamela

Coleman Smith. Nov. IT. " Breton Folklore." Mrs. Mosher. Dec. 7. " The Folklore of the Wye Valley." Miss L. M. Eyre. " Midsummer Customs in Morocco." Dr. Westermarck,

The following objects have been exhibited at the Meetings, viz. :

(i)* A Toothache Charm from Pembrokeshire. By Mr. W. C. Merrick. (2) Photograph of a Rushlight-stand and Fire-screen, at the Hough, Eccleshall, Staffordshire. By Mr. W. Wells Bladen. (3) Photograph of a Norwegian Stabbur or Cheese- house at Telemarken. By the Hon. Mrs. Sinclair. (4) Kentish Pudding Pies; A Gingerbread Pig from St. Cloud; Pictures representing (a) An offering before Captain Cook in the Sandwich Islands, (b) The funeral pile of a husband in Hindustan, and (c) A dance at Otaheite. By Miss Edith Cobham. (5) Photo- graphs of Bull Pitchers from Stamford, Lincolnshire. By Miss Peacock. (6) A collection of Basuto charms, necklaces, costumes and ornaments, and photographs of Basuto men dancing at a race meeting, Bushman cave-paintings, and other objects of interest. By Mrs. Cartwright. {7) A Basuto necklace and charm. By Mr. A. R. Wright. (8)* A collection of Burmese dolls. By