Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 16, 1905.djvu/562

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Cock : [see also Chicken) ; associated with deities, 148, 153; burnt, New Year, Morocco, 46 ; in cimaruta amulet, Naples, 135, 147, 156-61 {plates) ; crowing, in folktale, Crete, 21-2 ; omen from, Jamaica, 74 ; sacrificed on conception, S. Nigeria, 438 ; sun emblem, Lycia &c., 148 ; white, in midsummer bonfire, Russia, 46

Cockfighting : Aberdeenshire, 204

Cockle-shells : in burial rites, Loango, 400

Coe, Bridge of: apparition of Devil, 61

Colchester : mock burial, 464 ; oyster- feast, 182

Colds and coughs, cures for, see Medical folklore

Coleford : proverbial saying, 67

Coll : game, 221

Collectanea, 56-97, 180-221, 333-49, 434-60

Colours in folklore, see tinder various colours, such as Black

Combing hair at night unlucky, Jamaica, 69

Comets : after death of Caesar, 310

Commodus, emperor : as sun god, 317

Compass, points of, see East ; South- west ; and West

Conception : caused by ancestral souls, Bavili, "^75 ; supernatural, 485

Congo Free State, see Boma ; and Congo river

Congo river : ghosts collected by wizard in island in, Bavili, 373

Conirayas : folktale, 485

Constantine, emperor : in folktale, Bulgaria, 491

Constellations, see Milky Way

Consuls, Roman, 300, 302-3, 305-6, 327-8

Cook, A. B., The European Sky-God, III.: The Italians, 260-332, 462

Cooktown, see Annan River tribe

Copper : bracelets as charms, for marriage &c., Congo, 382

Copts, see Egypt

Corn : {see also Barley ; Maize ; and Wheat) ; Atira (born from corn), deity, Pawnees, 117; ears of, as emblem of Fortuna, 285 ; eaten ceremonially, midsummer, Mor- occo, 36 ; measure for, as emblem of Fortuna, 285 ; sprinkled after

threshing, to avert evil eye, Mor- occo, 33

Cornelia gens, coins of, 304-5

Corn ornaments, see Harvest customs and beliefs

Corn spirits, vegetation souls, and the like : animals burnt at midsummer, 46 ; "churn" or corn baby, Ulster, 129-30, 185-6 ; rex Nemorensis, 288-93, 322-3, 327-8

Cornucopia : in cimaruta amulet, Naples, 135, 151, 157 ; as emblem of Fortune, Italy, 285

Cornwall : {see also Bugle ; Helston ; and Padstow) ; corn ornaments, 2

Corpses, customs and beliefs con- cerning, see Death and funeral customs and beliefs

Corpus Domini Festa, Vicenza, 244

Correspondence, 98-100, 223-5, 350-2j 461-7

Cortona : St. Margaret of, 145

Cos : folklore from, 17

Cosmogony : Europe in Middle Ages, 423; Huculs, 51; Masai, 236; Pawnees, 116-7 ; Ukraine, 51

Cossacks of Ukraine, see Ukraine

Costmary or maudlin as moonflovver, 145-6

Coughs, cures for, see Medical folklore

Council of Folk-Lore Sociey : elec- tion of, 4 ; report, 6-13

Counting-out rhymes : Argyllshire, 78, 449-50 ; Barra island, 454 ; Hebrides, 207-8

Courting customs and beliefs : {see also Divination ; and Omens) ; Huculs, 52 ; Jamaica, 72-76 ; Nigeria, 438

Cow : {see also Cattle) ; charms to cure, Antrim, 241, Glencoe, 61, Morocco, 33, Suffolk, 337, or to protect, Antrim, 241 ; charm- stones to protect, Caithness, 336 ; dung burnt to foster bees, Morocco, 28-30, and painted on figtree, mid- summer, Morocco, T^T) ; milk drunk by spirits, Huculs, 51 ; omens from, Jamaica, 69, 71, 77

Cowal : games, 79, 83, 89, 91

Cowrie shells : offered at ceremonies, S. Nigeria, 435, 439 ; word used in game, Argyllshire, 441

Coyote: in folktales. Pawnees, 117; as star, Pawnees, 1 17

Crab : claws in sacred grove, Loango, 402 ; in proverb, Bavili, 402 ; sym- bol of sea, Bavili, 402
