Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 21, 1910.djvu/17

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Minutes of Meetings. 3

a charm ornament and a canoe ornament from New Britain ; a carved fly-whisk carried as insignia by a chief, Hervey Island (Cook's Islands ) ; a Janus-headed amulet from Mortlock Island ; a neck ornament and necklace of tridacne shell from Santa Cruz Island ; and internodes of the kurman vine used in magic in Mabuiag Island (Torres Straits).

WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 15tli, 1909. The President (Miss C. S. Burne) in the Chair.

The minutes of the last Meeting were read and confirmed.

The election of Mr, T. C. Hodson as a member of the Society was announced.

The death of Mr. A. Macgregor was also announced.

Mr. A. R. Wright exhibited and described a number of horse ornaments and amulets connected with the horse, and gave an account of some British horse charms and superstitions.

Mr. E. Lovett gave a lecture on " Horse Charms and Superstitions Abroad, and the Early Legendary History of the Horse," which was illustrated by lantern slides.

The following objects were exhibited : —

By Mr. A. R. Wright:— A collection of 76 different brass horse ornaments from London, Winchester, and Scarborough ; horse-shoes and horse-shoe nails used as charms ; horse-shoe motor mascot ; Servian double boar's tusk horse pendant ; Tibetan horse tassel ornamented by dragons.