Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 21, 1910.djvu/418

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376 Collectanea.

from fol. 1433-145(5, preserving the spelling and imitating the mystical signs as found in the original, but prefixing numerals to facilitate reference. They are love charms &c., one against thieves, and two amulets with celestial Seals, or those of the spirits who were to protect the wearer of the amulets. They resemble the metal amulets of the time of Charles II., when mystical literature flourished extensively in England.

Bound up with this Ms., which is in my possession, is part of Coley's Almanack for the year 1691 with "The first Rudiments of Astrology in Memorial Verses."

These are the charms : —

(i) How to make a woman follow thee.

Write your name and the name of the maide in anny leafe with the Blood of a white henn and touch her with it and shee will follow thee.

(2) Annother way.

Take the Blood of a bat and write in thy hand with it

g : h : b : m : ^-yi_^ 2 : b : d : And thou touch her therwith.

{3) Write In an apple these three names Aatnell: Loliell : Clotiell : And after say I Conjure thee apple by these three names that what woman so ever eats of thee shee may soe Remaine In

my Love that she take no rest <-?»*—>

Donee uoluntatem mea afervile.

(4) How for to know a womans Councill.

Take virgine wax and write theron these words + lacus + stratus + Dromedus + Frigius. And when shee sleppeth put it betweene her breasts and shee will shew thee all her meaneing