Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 23, 1912.djvu/519

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Correspondence. 495

How to make the Antidote Powder, called, The Orvietan

of Rome, a Cordial. Angelica root, Serpent, Contrierva root, Calanga root, Dictamus root, Aristolochia root, Gentian root, Arris root, Casamus, Zedoary root, Acorns root, Agarick, Ginger root, ana 5/. Perat, therum Ziv. Trochisk oH- Vipers Flesh, Red Roses, Dictmnus leaves, Saru- bucum Leaves, Saft'ron, ana 40 gr. Anniseeds, Parsly-seeds, Fennel seeds. Caraway-seeds, Cummin-seeds, Dasie-seeds, Cisilias- seeds, Cardamum, Cubeb, ana 30 gr. Cloves, Cinnamon, Gas- coynes Powder, Nutmeg, white Pepper, Coriander, ana 40 gr. Lemniam earth, Storax, Calamit, Juniper Berries, Elicampane, nna 3?'. Curcuma Root 7)iii- Sagaveny, Opapanar, ana 7yi, beat all these fine to a Powder, and this is the true Orvietane Powder; And mix it with pure fine Honey, and it makes the true Roman Orvietane, which Expelleth Poyson out of the Body.

To take away Pearls, Films from the Eyes. Take Honey, Juice of Cellandine, ana ^iv. Aloes, Scammony, Sarcocol in fine Powder, ana 1,iv. Lapis Tutia prepared, mix them well together, and put it into the Eye every Night going to Bed, and every Morning before Rising.

A Secret to Stanch Blood. Take the blood of healthful men and dry it in the Sun, and make it into powder.

Take a Toad and bind him with a little band, and hang it about the womans Neck that hath that infirmitie, and in few days she will be cur'd.^

Against Wry Necks or Gouts. Take the stone of a Beaver, called Castoreum, white Pepper and Pursley of each alike, beat altogether and sift them, take a Spoonful of it and put in so much Honey, and two mouthfulls of

  • Cf. Black, Folk-Medicuie, p. 62. " For y^ bleeding at y^ nose : Probatum.

Take a Toade and drie it in marche put y^ same into some silke or sattene bagg and hange it about y neck of y*^ party next y^ skinne and by gods grace it will stanch presently:" G. Weddell, Aicana Faiffaxiaiia Mamiscripta, p. 5 {circa 1620).