Bengal Presidency : sacrifice eaten, 299
Benin : celts, 73-4
Beowulf and the Finnshurg Frag- ment, by J. R. C. Hall, reviewed, 252
Berkeley : fair, 443
Bern : folk-music, 13 1-2
Betel-nut : in ceremonies, Assam, 464-5, 469
Betrothal, see Courting
Bettermont ; scoring witch above breath, 490
Bezoar : in folk-medicine, 496
Bhils : sacrament, 297-8
Bibliography : annual, 9
Birch-tree: May Dav, Wales etc.,
Birds : {see also Duck ; Eagle ; Falcon ; Feathers ; Fowls ; Guinea-fowl ; Hawk ; Magpie ; Nightingale ; Owl ; Parrot ; Peacock ; Pheasant ; Pigeon ; Robin ; Roc ; Rook ; Sparrow ; Swallow ; Swan ; Taklai ; Vul- ture ; Woodpecker) ; bird souls, Celts, 125
Birmingham : church clipping, 197, 203
Birr : rock markings, 90
Birth customs and beliefs : {see also Baptism) ; amulets, Scot., 64 ; arrow-heads used, 64 ; birth time, effect of, Japan, 192, omen from, Quebec, 462-3 ; charms to obtain children, Japan, 187, 192 ; couvade, S. India, 264 ; cure for pangs, Scot., 64 ; divination of sex, Japan, 193 ; eggs broken, Al- bania, 227 ; ill-luck, rite to re- move, India, 285 ; Muppans, 36 ; sucking fingers, Quebec, 463 ; swaddling. Savoy, 128 ; taboos, Montenegro, 226
Bisley : church removal, 337, 484 ; feast, 453 ; hidden treasure, 341 ; well, 335
Bison : causes lightning, Malays, 77-8
Bites, venomous : cure for, 493
Black : animals, see Cat ; Pig ; dyeing tabooed after death, Assam, 468
Blacksmith : as charmer, Clare, 213
Black Virgin, 127
Bladder diseases, cure for, 493
Blakeney : fair, 443
Bleeding Lance, The, by A. C. I. Brown, reviewed, 119
Blood : amulets against bleeding, 233, Cambs., 349-50 ; bleeding as cure, 244 ; charms to stop flow, 233, Clare, 213, Japan, 196 ; cures for bleeding, 232-3, 495-7 ; in folk-medicine, 495 ; in magic, Japan, 188, 190, 196; in peace rite, Kafirs, 296 ; of sacrifice not shed, India, 296-7
Blood-brotherhood : Borneo, 408
Bogota : Field of Giants, 46
Bohneill : treasure, 208
Boiotia : folk-tale, 489
Boloki, see Congo Cannibals
Bombay Presidency, see Malabar
Bone stuck in throat : charm to remove, Japan, 196
Bones : {see also Skull) ; in divin- ation, Balkans, 225
Bonfires, see Fire
Books presented to Folk-Lore Society, 146-7, 273-4
Boot, see Shoe
Borneo : {see also Dyaks ; Sara- wak) ; Supreme Being, 143
Bororos : as parrots, 381
Bosham : Bonfire Da}-, 417
Bosnia : foundation sacrifice, 227
Box well : well, 335
Bradford-on-Avon : Shrovetide custom, 197-9
Brahmans, 280, 283, 284, 287, 289, 296-7, 299, 301-6
Bran, voyage of, 239
Brand's Popular Antiquities, 10, 16-7
Brazil : {see also Bororos) ; axe cult, 70
Bread : Piedmontese, 6
Bredon Hill : hidden treasure,
341 Bretagne : Celts, 66 ; dream, 346 ;
escape of soul from corpse, 125 ;
fairy faith, 254-7 Brian," Gaelic Neptune, 125 Bridal customs and beliefs, see
Marriage Bridges : foundation sacrifice,
Bosnia, 227 ; in riddle,
Armenians, 472 ; in treasure
tale, Clare, 209 Bridgewater : guy, 417 Bristol : calendar customs, 444,
451-2, 455; well, 335, 482-4