Whit Sunday : rushes strewn, Bristol, 452
Whooping cough : charms against, Donegal, 477-8, Glos., 339-40
Wicklow, sec Glendalough
Widershins, see Sunwise
Widows : in mourning rites, Mup- pans, 43-4
Wild boar : in charm, Japan, igo
\Mlliams, A. Lukyn : Scraps of English Folklore, 349-50
Wilts, see Baverstock ; Bradford- on-Avon ; Longbridge Deverell; Marlborough ; Rotherly ; Trow- bridge ; Westbury
Windle, Sir B. C. A. : reviews by, — Hall's Beowulf and the Finnsburg Fragment, 252 ; Gomme's The Making of London, 249-51 ; Quiller-Couch's The Oxford Book of Ballads, 252-3
Winds : myths of, 315-6, Bush- men, 260
Wingate, Mrs. J. S. : Armenian Folk-Tales, 94-102, 220-3 ; Ar- menian Riddles. 471-2
Winnowing basket : in mourning rite, Muppans, 43-4
Winnowing fans : in rite against ill-luck, India, 285 ; in rites after death, Assam, 464-5, 469
Winnowing sieve : in rite, Diivali, India, 425
Witchcraft : [see also Charms and spells ; Familiar spirits ; In- cantations ; Magic ; Witches) ; amulets against, Scot., 64 ; Congo,. 461, 514 ; defined, 399 ; Herefordshire, 383 ; punish- ments, Suk, 402 ; scoring witch above breath, Scot., 490 ; wax etc. images in, Japan, 187, Scot., 65
Witches : amulets against, 146, N. Italy, 6 ; in animal shape, Clare, 214 ; Glos., 17 ; Herefordshire, 384 ; Lower Congo, 461 ; Pied- mont, 45S ; W'orcestershire, 17
Wives : {see also Marriage customs and beliefs) ; charms to affect, Japan, 188-9
Wolf : in folk-tale, Armenians, 221-3
Women : {see also Birth customs and beliefs ; Marriage customs and beliefs ; Mother-right ; Widows ; Witches ; Wives) ;
as " dreamers," Mohave- Apache, 174 ; pottery made by, Suk, 402 ; not represented in ances- tor bundle, Muppans, 35 ; Thomas' Sex and Society re- viewed, 243
Woodchester : calendar customs, 455 ; Feast, 454
Woodcuts : sea-urchins, 56
Woodpecker: in magic, Japan, 190
Worcestershire : {see also Alve- church ; Cradley ; Evesham ; Radford Bridge^ Redditch) ; folk-tale, 357 ; witch, 17
World of Dreams, The, by H. Ellis, reviewed, 123-4
Worms, cure for, 61, 231, 491, 493
Worship, origin of, see Gods
Wounds, cures for, 491, 493, Japan, 194, Mohave-Apache, 172
Wright, A. R. : exhibits by, 147 ; Seventeenth Century Cures and Charms, 230-6, 490-7 ; Telling the Rosary from Far East to West, 3, 7 ; reviews by : — Westervelt's Legends of Ma-ui, 520-1 ; Stein's Ruins of Desert Cathay, 267-71 ; Beech's The Suk : their Language and Folk- lore, 401-2 ; Blinkenberg's The Thunderweapon in Religion and Folklore, 122-3 '
Wright, E. : Scraps of English Folklore, 357
Wright, W. Aldis : Seventeenth Century Cures and Charms, 497
Wry-neck, cure for, 495-6
WuUigan, spirit, Malabar, 38
Wurunjerri : myth, 324
Wynaad : {see also Muppans) ; hairdressing, 35
Yama, deity, India, 285
Yew-tree : beliefs about, Glos., 445 ; berries as amulets, 233 ; ' clipped,' Som. and Dorset, 203
Yorkshire : {see also Honley ; Swaledale ; Wakefield ; Whit- by) ; 5th Nov., 421-3 ; giants' remains, 46
Yoruba : thunder-god, 72
Yule, see Christmas
Yunnan : thunderbolts, 123
Zeus : Ammon, 58 ; Crete, 390,
394-5 Zodiac, signs of : in charm, Japan.
194 ; in magic, Japan, 195 Zulus, see Amazulu