Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 25, 1914.djvu/157

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Voi.. XXV.] JUXE, 1914. [No. II.

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18th, 1914. The President (Dr. R. R. Marett) in the Chair.

The minutes of the last Meeting were read and confirmed.

The election of the Rev. R. Burn and Mrs. Holland as members of the Society was announced.

The resignations of Miss L. W. Faraday and Mr. Charlton Walker were also announced.

The President announced that the Meeting arranged by the Oxford Anthropological Society, to which members of the Folk-Lore Society and Royal Anthropological Institute had been invited, would be held in the hall of Christ Church, Oxford, on the afternoon of Thursday, May 14th, when Prof. Gilbert Murray would deliver an address on " Folk Influence in Early Greek Literature." Tea would be served at 4.30 p.m., and the meeting would last an hour, so that there would be ample time for members desiring to return to town to catch the 7.33 p.m. dining car train to Paddington.

The President also announced that the Clarendon Press had undertaken to publish a work by Mr. M. W. H. Beech