Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 25, 1914.djvu/242

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Poland about a hundred years ago, and it is clear that the song itself belongs to a considerably earlier period. The use of the word wutka (duck), suggests the influence of the Russian language, for the White Ruthenian word that would naturally be used is kačka, whereas wutka is merely an altered form of the Russian utka. In stanza 6, line 2, however, the use of the word hutka (swiftly) instead of the more usual prętka (from the Polish prędko) shows how truly White Ruthenian the song must be.

The words and music of No. 12 are most unusually happy, and the charming naivete of the language in which the singer speaks of her expected but unknown lover indicates a very, different spirit from the bitter despair which is characteristic of so many of the songs; the refrain is also exceptionally musical.

Stanza 8 of No. 13, in which the deceitful lover mocks his old love by offering her wine at his marriage feast, strikes a note of refined cruelty which is not often met with in these songs.

No. 14 is an admirable example of the White Ruthenian language. The introduction is clearly a warning to some maiden not to make indiscriminate friendships, especially with the Cossacks, who were synonymous with adventurers, and the ensuing stanzas narrate the results of such injudicious behaviour.

No. 7. Pryiacieli Husi (The geese came).

Pry - la -cie -li hu - si da ču - žo - ho kra - - ju,

Pa - mu - ci - li wo - du na si - niom Duna - ju.

Pryiacieli husi da čużoho kraju,
Pamucili wodu na siniom Dunaju.
Badaj żeš wy husi tak marnie prapali,
Jak my lubilisia ciapier pierestali.

The geese came to the land of a stranger,
And ruffled the blue Danube's waves.
Oh! geese may you miserably perish,
As our love once so strong came to naught.

Bo hdzie slonce wzyjdzie, tam rasy nia budzie,
Z našaho kachania ničoha nia budzie.

As dew before sunrise must vanish,
So naught from our love will come true.