Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 25, 1914.djvu/394

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362 Collectanea.

I gaed to a singin' class,

And bonny lads were there, The first that took my fancy

Was ane wi' curly hair.

He said to me, " My bonny lass,

Fat wye div ye gang hame?" Richt modestly I answered him,

"The very wye I came."

He said to me, "My bonny lass,

Fat like's the ane ye lo'e?" Richt modestly I answered him,

" He's richt like you."

He said to me, " My bonny lass.

Fat is't they ca' your name?" Richt modestly I answered him,

"They ca' me Meg at hame."

He said to me, " My bonny lass,

Am I the lad ye lo'e?" Richt modestly I answered him, " YeVe guessed richt noo."

Parish of Cruden. As I gaed by yon toonie farm A barkie cam oot an' doggit at me, I took my flauchter shooder fae afiF my spad I gaed it such a lug i' the lasher, I gart a' its water een again. (A nonsense recitation with the words transposed. — Parish of Crude n.)

" Fustle, fustle, aul' wife.

An' I'll gie ye a hen." " I couldna fustle Altho' ye gied me ten."

" Fustle, fustle, aul' wife,

An' I'll gie ye a coo." " I couldna fustle

Altho' ye gied me two."